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Trooping of the Covenant of King Charles: A Royal Occasion

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Trooping of the Covenant of King Charles: A Royal Occasion

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The Trooping of the Covenant of King Charles was a magnificent event that took place recently, and it was a sight to behold.

For the first time in 36 years, a monarch rode a horse for this special occasion, and it was none other than King Charles himself.

The sun was shining, and the 70 aeroplanes coming over were absolutely lovely.

Thousands of people were present to witness this spectacular event, and it was a momentous occasion for all.

Louis, one of the three children, was terrific as he led the way for the others to move quickly from their open carriage inside.


They had obviously been instructed to do so, and it was rather clever as it prevented any messing about.

Louis was enchanting, walking like a soldier, and rushing inside.

He had red shorts on, and all the children had something red on them to mark Prince Charles’s military company.

It was just lovely, and everyone present enjoyed it immensely.

The absence of Harry and Meghan was not missed at all.

There was no one taking the spotlight, and there was no one messing it all up.

No one was worried about where they were, whether they were coming or not.

They were just ignored, and the event went off without a hitch.

It was great to see everyone enjoying themselves without any distractions.

Moving on to the topic of Spotify, the podcast with Meghan Markle was a big thing that she was doing.

They were paying her 20 million, but obviously, they are not paying all of that now.

The first series of talking to 12 women about finding your authentic self was hugely boring.

Most women don’t find it difficult to find a good job and to rise up, and a lot of men now work harder to do home stuff and be a more active father.

It was all about her, and every sentence went back to her.

As an interviewer, you ask the questions you want to get things out of them, and you don’t want to pounce and tell them all about yourself.

Spotify was foolish in paying so much without giving them a run, and they could have upped it, but this way, they’ve lost a load of money, and they’ve had to sack over 200 people working for them.

The other curious thing is that their Spotify was put on number one.

Now you don’t actually get rid of the top of what you’re doing, so a lot of people felt that actually had been put there for various other reasons, and I think that’s probably right.

Moving on to William and Kate, they get on with their own work very nicely, and Catherine does a tremendous amount with little children.

She went to visit one place where families go for help with their children, and one little baby about six months did the most enormous burp, and she went hysterical.

She was absolutely roaring with laughter.

She’s very natural, works with people very well, and adores children.

William’s got the job of being next in line to the throne, and this morning he was absolutely brilliant with his father there.

He stood with Princess Anne, and his posture was so wonderful.

Finally, Prince Harry and the visa debacle.

It sounds like he might get away with it, but we have to pay a million pounds for it because he’s tried to get the Home Office to make sure he’s got enough protection.

We have to pay, and it’s going to cost us a million, and he’s going to have to pay ten thousand, which is outrageous.

In conclusion, the Trooping of the Covenant of King Charles was a fantastic event, and everyone enjoyed it immensely.

William and Kate continue to do their work, and Catherine’s love for children is evident in everything she does.

Spotify’s decision to pay Meghan Markle so much was foolish, and they have lost a lot of money because of it.

Finally, the visa debacle involving Prince Harry is outrageous, and it remains to be seen how it will all play out.

This has been a rundown of the latest royal news.

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