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Title: “Breaking Royal Protocol: Meghan Markle’s Fashion Faux Pas”

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Title: “Breaking Royal Protocol: Meghan Markle’s Fashion Faux Pas”

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In a recent engagement, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, found herself at the center of controversy as she unintentionally broke several royal rules.

From her choice of attire to her hairstyles, Markle’s fashion choices have sparked a discussion about adherence to royal protocol.

One of the most basic yet important rules that Markle inadvertently violated was her seating position.

While some defended her, stating that it was her first time, evidence suggests otherwise.

Markle was clearly briefed about the royal rules, as she kept her knees together and angled her ankles slightly to one side.


However, instead of following the Queen’s lead and staying behind her, Markle took the spotlight and became the center of attention.

Another rule that Markle repeatedly broke was the requirement to wear pantyhose.

Members of the royal family are expected to wear n^de stockings with skirts and dresses at all times.

During her first official photo call announcing the engagement, Markle opted for strappy heels without any stockings, causing quite a stir in the media.

Despite the backlash, Markle continued to disregard this rule on numerous occasions.

Royal protocol also dictates sleek hairstyles, a style often seen on Kate Middleton and the Queen herself.

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