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Sarah Ferguson Reveals Sweet Nickname for Granddaughter Sienna Elizabeth Mapelli-Mozzie

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Sarah Ferguson Reveals Sweet Nickname for Granddaughter Sienna Elizabeth Mapelli-Mozzie

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Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, recently opened up about her experiences as a grandmother and shared a heartwarming nickname she has for her granddaughter, Sienna Elizabeth Mapelli-Mozzie.

During an intimate chat with Samantha Barry at the 92nd Streetway in New York, where she was promoting her new novel, A Most Intriguing Lady, Fergie referred to the one-year-old as a mini Beatrice.

She expressed her joy at being a grandmother and shared some delightful insights into her relationship with Sienna.

“I love seeing my girls, who are exceptional,” Fergie gushed, referring to Sienna and her two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.

She continued, “Then on top of that, these two little ones, baby Eugenie and baby Beatrice, they’re looking at me with those big eyes.


They look like my girls.”

Fergie also revealed that Sienna, whom she affectionately calls Sissy, enjoys wearing little pink tutus because Beatrice loves to dress her up like Barbie.

It’s clear that Fergie adores her granddaughters and cherishes the special bond they share.

Despite her divorce from Prince Andrew, Fergie and her ex-husband remain close and have successfully maintained a strong family dynamic.

Princess Eugenie, who is expecting her second child later this summer with her husband, Jack Brooksbank, recently celebrated International Women’s Day by sharing a heartwarming selfie on Instagram.

The photo featured Eugenie, her mother, and her older sister, Princess Beatrice.

In the caption, Eugenie expressed her gratitude for having such incredible women in her life and praised her mother’s accomplishments.

In addition to her family commitments, the Duchess of York has been spending a significant amount of time in the United States.

She recently made an appearance on Kelly Clarkson’s chat show and is rumored to be presenting an award at this year’s Oscars ceremony on Sunday.

Fergie has a close relationship with the Presley family, especially with the late Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis’ daughter.

Earlier this year, she spoke at Lisa Marie’s memorial service, highlighting their enduring friendship.

There have been discussions about Fergie attending the Oscars, and it appears that she will indeed be present.

According to a source, the plan is for her to present an award as a tribute to her close friendship with the Presley family.

The news of Fergie’s potential involvement in the prestigious event has sparked excitement and speculation among fans.

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