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Meghan Markle’s Surprise Appearance at British Fashion Awards Sparks Controversy

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Meghan Markle’s Surprise Appearance at British Fashion Awards Sparks Controversy

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In a surprising turn of events, Meghan Markle made an unexpected appearance as a presenter at the 2020 British Fashion Awards.

However, recent revelations suggest that her presence was not welcomed.

A post by MarkleNews1 on Instagram has shed light on new information regarding Meghan’s alleged bullying behavior.

According to the post, Meghan is described as a bully who understands the power of intimidation.

The anonymous source claims that she has a tendency to intimidate others, and her appearance at the fashion show serves as a prime example.


It was originally intended for Rosamund Pike to present the Women’s Wear Designer of the Year award.

But just moments before Pike was to take the stage, she received an embarrassing tap on the shoulder and was informed that Meghan Markle would be presenting the award instead.

It was revealed that Meghan had not been invited to the event.

She had apparently arrived unannounced, marched up to the producer, and insisted on presenting the award to her friend, Claire Waite Keller, the artistic director of Givenchy who had designed Meghan’s ill-fitting wedding gown.

Despite the shocking display of rudeness and bad manners, Pike maintained her professionalism and silently proceeded to announce that a special guest would be presenting the award.

Meghan’s behavior did not end there.

After the show, she attempted to bully Pike further by taking a rude selfie of the two and posting it on Instagram.

Pike had finally reached her limit and promptly informed the director, who removed the offensive selfie from the platform.

The mortified producer could only resort to using code language, such as the word “surprise,” to subtly indicate that Meghan had not been invited and was an unwelcome guest.

If these allegations are true, it is clear that Meghan has no shame.

This incident adds to the growing controversy surrounding her.

In related news, Valentin Lowe broke the story that Meghan had been accused of bullying by former Kensington Palace Communications Secretary Jason Knopf in March 2021, just days before her interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Meghan’s spokesperson dismissed the accusations as a calculated smear campaign, while Prince Harry claimed to have found Meghan in tears.

Lowe, who has since released a book titled “Courtiers,” sheds light on the experiences of royal staff who work behind the scenes, referred to by Prince Harry and Meghan as “the institution.”

According to Lowe, those who came forward wanted their stories to be heard before Oprah’s interview, as they believed Meghan’s narrative would overshadow any subsequent claims.

These individuals felt that they had suffered while working for Meghan and wanted to emphasize that she was not the only victim.

It is important to acknowledge that while Meghan may have faced challenges during her time in the royal family, there are others who also experienced hardship.

The voices of these individuals deserve to be heard alongside Meghan’s.

The release of Lowe’s book aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the situation, highlighting that there is more than one story and narrative at play.

As the controversy surrounding Meghan Markle continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how these revelations will impact public perception and the ongoing conversations about her time in the royal family.

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