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Gal Gadot defends Cleopatra casting after backlash over ‘whitewashing’

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Gal Gadot defends Cleopatra casting after backlash over ‘whitewashing’

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Gal Gadot, well known as Wonder Woman, has been compelled to justify her casting as Cleopatra, the ancient Egyptian ruler, in a forthcoming film.

When Israeli actress Gal Gadot revealed in October that she would feature in and co-produce a film about the legendary queen, some argued that the ancient ruler should be played by an Arab or African actor.

“First of all, if you want to be true to the facts then Cleopatra was Macedonian,” Gadot told BBC Arabic host Sam Asi. “We were looking for a Macedonian actress that could fit Cleopatra. She wasn’t there, and I was very passionate about Cleopatra.”

Gadot said: “I have friends from across the globe, whether they’re Muslims or Christian or Catholic or atheist or Buddhist, or Jewish of course… People are people, and with me I want to celebrate the legacy of Cleopatra and honour this amazing historic icon that I admire so much.”

The actress also said others were welcome to make their own films.


“You know, anybody can make this movie and anybody can go ahead and do it. I’m very passionate that I’m going to do my own too.”

The protest to Gadot’s casting in October was greeted with its own backlash, with those on the other side of the issue pointing out that most reports indicate Cleopatra to be of Greek heritage.

Experts are divided, with a BBC programme asserting in 2009 that she may be of mixed heritage.

Cleopatra was the final monarch of the dynasty formed by Alexander the Great’s Macedonian general Ptolemy, whose successors governed Egypt for 300 years.

Gadot, 35, will also produce the new Cleopatra film, in which she will play the character made famous by Elizabeth Taylor in the 1963 classic of the same name.

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