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When Kate Middleton and Prince Harry Teased Prince William About His Baldness

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When Kate Middleton and Prince Harry Teased Prince William About His Baldness

The Duke of Cambridge has been humiliated for years as a consequence of his receding hair line, and he most famously became the punchline of a joke due to his wife Kate Middleton, who couldn’t help but make fun of her husband’s bald spot during the couple’s tour Down Under.

Lyn Crejan, a farmer from Glenn Innes in New South Wales, showed the pair a tuft of alpaca wool that was a close shade to William’s hair when they were observing a shearing demonstration. “The prince was interested in the alpaca, and as I showed it to them, the princess said he should put it on his head,” Crejan told reporters. “She said, ‘You need it more than me,’ and pointed to his head and he laughed.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time that William’s receding hairline has sparked discussion. Here’s a list of times when the royal family has made fun of the duke’s lack of hair.

Though we didn’t get to hear Prince Harry’s best man speech at the royal wedding, the 29-year-old did offer a sneak peek when speaking with the BBC. “But it’s me and a couple of his friends, and between the three of us, we’ll make sure that we dig him in the ribs a few times and embarrass him,” he said. “And make him lose some hair.” Oh no!

Even William’s father, Prince Charles, couldn’t help but make fun of his son’s bald spot during his reception speech at the royal wedding, claiming that there was nothing his son could do because the condition is genetic. “Kate was laughing away when he said it. So was William,” a guest of the Middletons told the Mirror in the United Kingdom.

While living and operating together at RAF Shawbury for flight school, the two exchanged a lot of jokes. “I think he definitely is brainer than I am,” Harry said, “but we established that at school—along with his baldness,” William retorted, “That’s pretty rich coming from a ginger.”

The most memorable snub occurred during a royal tour to another nation.

Harry claimed his hair was “too ginger” when a portrait of him and William was presented in 2010 and shown to them in Barbados.

He then switched his attention to his brother’s hair, or lack thereof, and observed that William’s head was not drawn bald enough.


“I don’t know, I think I’m a little more ginger in there than I am in real life,” he said.

“Apart from that, he got more hair, so it is what it is, but it’s nice.”

“It could have been worse.”

William began to go bald in his twenties.

At the 2006 World Cup in Germany, one of the most famous and early photographs of his thinning hair was taken when he was watching a football match.

Over time, his hairline receded, and a growing “duck-pond” began to form at the back of his head.

Despite being taunted by Harry in the past, the tide might be changing now.

According to The Sun, Harry’s hair loss has worsened in recent years.

Prince Harry’s brother, father, and grandfather have all been balding for some time, but it seems that the 35-year-old has joined Prince William, Prince Charles, and Prince Philip as the newest male royal family member to start losing his hair seriously.

Prince Harry’s brother, father, and grandfather have all been balding for some time, but it seems that the 35-year-old has joined Prince William, Prince Charles, and Prince Philip as the newest male royal family member to start losing his hair seriously.
The beloved ginger has had a huge head of glorious hair for a long time.

However, as the Duke of Sussex approaches his mid-thirties and faces a variety of obstacles, including being a father, resigning as a senior member of the royal family, and the British press’s scathing campaign against his wife Meghan Markle, his bald patch has grown significantly in size.

Baldness seems to run in the Windsor household, since both Prince Charles and Prince William went bald at a young age.

Kate Middleton, William’s wife, is said to make fun of her husband’s baldness.

When Clara Amfo met William and Kate in 2018, the pair joked publicly about the Duke of Cambridge’s hair loss, according to BBC Radio host Clara Amfo.

Clara told HELLO magazine, “Kate had no qualms making fun of William’s hair situation,”
“And he took that. There was a lot of banter around that, it was very funny!

“Prince William is the most fun royal that I’ve met. He’s got a lot of banter actually. He’s a very funny guy. And the banter between him and Kate—his and Kate’s energy is really funny. They vibe off each other very well. They were like a really loving, comedy act.”



  1. Pingback: Why Prince William won’t treat his balding – Triple UK

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