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Tobey Maguire told woman to ‘bark like a seal’ for money

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Tobey Maguire told woman to ‘bark like a seal’ for money

Molly Bloom, a former cocktail waitress who became a poker hostess to the stars, has written a book about her experiences in the world of underground poker.

In her book, Molly’s Game: From Hollywood’s Elite to Wall Street’s Billionaire Boys Club, My High-Stakes Adventure in the World of Underground Poker, she details her time hosting exclusive, underground tournaments for celebrities such as Leo DiCaprio, Rick Salomon, Ben Affleck, and Tobey Maguire.

Molly became known as the “poker princess” and her philosophy on the subject is clear: “You can tell a lot about a man’s character by watching him win or lose money. Money is the great equalizer.”

In her book, Molly highlights the differing personalities of the celebrities she dealt with, starting with Ben Affleck.

She describes him as “a smart player who liked to limit his downside.”

She also tells a story about Rick Salomon asking Ben Affleck about Jennifer Lopez’s posterior in front of the whole table.

However, the bulk of the excerpt from Molly’s book focuses on Tobey Maguire. She paints a picture of him as a sore loser who loves to humiliate women.

Molly often hosted high-stakes ($50,000 minimum bet) games at Tobey’s mansion and she writes that “He was the worst tipper, the best player, and the absolute worst loser. I had to worry about my job security if he lost.”

Molly also recounts a specific incident where Tobey humiliated her in front of the players. She writes, “Tobey went on to humiliate Bloom in front of the players, loudly offering her a thousand-dollar chip if she did “something to earn these thousand dollars. . . . Bark like a seal who wants a fish.”

Bloom writes that she tried to laugh it off, but Tobey continued: “I’m not kidding. What’s wrong? You’re too rich now? You won’t bark for a thousand dollars? Wowwww. . . you must be really rich. . . . C’mon,” he said, holding the chip above my head.


“No,” I said quietly.

“No?” he asked.

“Tobey,” I said, “I’m not going to bark like a seal. Keep your chip.”

The incident left Molly feeling embarrassed and angry.

She writes, “My face was on fire. I knew he would be angry, especially because he had now engaged the whole audience, and I wasn’t playing his game.

“I was embarrassed, but I was also angry. After all I had done to accommodate this guy, I was also shocked.

“I had made sure I ran every detail of every game by him, changed the stakes for him, structured tournaments around him, memorized every ingredient in every vegan dish in town for him.

“He had won millions and millions of dollars at my table, and I had catered to his every need along the way–and now he seemed to want to humiliate me.”

The incident had a lasting effect on their relationship, as Tobey began to grudge against Molly for the money she was making.

She writes, “Tobey “began bringing up how much I was making even more frequently, not even trying to hide his dissatisfaction.

“I think the game needs restructuring,” he said one night. “How so?” “Well…”

Molly’s book is a fascinating insight into the world of underground poker and the various personalities that are drawn to the high-stakes game.

It highlights the cutthroat nature of the industry and the lengths some will go to in order to win.

The excerpt specifically focusing on Tobey Maguire also serves as a reminder of the behavior that is unacceptable, especially in a professional setting.

Molly’s book is not just about the poker, it’s also about the human behavior and the way people interact with each other.

Through her experiences, Molly has learned a lot about human nature, how people react to stress, how they react to winning, and how they react to losing.

She has seen firsthand how money can change people and how it can reveal their true character.

Molly’s Game is a must-read for anyone interested in the world of underground poker, as well as anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of human nature and the way people interact with each other.

It is a cautionary tale about the dangers of allowing oneself to become too consumed by the thrill of the game, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining one’s integrity and self-respect in the face of adversity.

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