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Throne to the Wolves: Megan’s Claims and Netflix’s Responsibility

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Throne to the Wolves: Megan’s Claims and Netflix’s Responsibility

Megan Markle, the former Duchess of Sussex, has been making headlines once again with her recent statements in a YouTube video.

In the video, she claims to have been thrown to the wolves and accuses the internet of being unable to be completely cleaned.

However, it seems that Megan may be forgetting some important details.

One of her main grievances is that no one ever helped or defended her during her time as a royal.

But the truth is, the palace and senior royals have consistently issued rebuttals to dispel negative rumors about Megan during her 72 days as an active royal.

In fact, Megan herself admitted to being easily bored and even claimed to have been thrown to the wolves.

It’s not surprising that her marriage to Prince Harry didn’t last, as marriages and careers often have a limited duration.

There are also suggestions that there may have been more to Megan’s past than the palace tried to hide.

With so much dirt on her, it would have been a monumental task to erase her history from the internet.

Many believe that Megan was determined to become part of the royal family by any means necessary.

When she couldn’t be with Prince William, she set her sights on Prince Harry, determined to become queen one day.

The recent documentary series produced by Netflix, featuring Megan and Harry, has raised questions about the streaming giant’s responsibility in fact-checking the content they produce.

It seems that Netflix didn’t bother to use fact-checkers or verify the claims made by the couple.

This lack of due diligence has led to accusations that Netflix funded a vicious assault on another country’s political establishment for the sake of sensationalism.

Netflix, however, is not solely responsible for the content it shows.

In the case of the Megan and Harry documentary, they likely provided funding based on a brief and trusted the professional production team, including Megan and Harry, to deliver the product.

It would have been the responsibility of Megan and Harry’s team to ensure that all copyrights were clear and that due diligence was conducted.

While some viewers have cancelled their Netflix subscriptions in protest, it remains to be seen whether legal action will be taken against the streaming giant.

If any lawsuits are filed, they are more likely to target Megan and Harry’s production team rather than Netflix itself.

It is clear that Megan and Harry have their own agenda and are pushing their own narrative, regardless of the truth.

They seem to have conveniently forgotten the support and protection they received from the palace during their time as members of the royal family.

They also appear to be envious and jealous of other royals, particularly Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

In conclusion, Megan’s claims of being thrown to the wolves and Netflix’s responsibility for fact-checking their content have sparked controversy.

While Megan may have her own version of events, it is important to consider the wider context and the actions of all parties involved.

The truth may be more complex than what is presented in a YouTube video, and it is up to the viewers to critically analyze the information presented.

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