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Three Dustin Hoffman accusers speak out in stunning interview

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Three Dustin Hoffman accusers speak out in stunning interview

Three women, who have all accused actor Dustin Hoffman of sexual harassment, recently gave an interview to NBC Nightly News.

Anna Graham Hunter, Kathryn Rossetter, and Cori Thomas all shared their experiences with Hoffman, who they say harassed them in the 1980s.

All three women reported that Hoffman pressured them into giving him a massage, with allegations ranging from indecent exposure to degrading comments.

Thomas, who says Hoffman exposed himself to her when she was just 16 years old, stated that she wanted to speak out in order to choose truth over shame.

Hoffman has not publicly responded to most of the allegations made against him.

In the interview, Hunter recalled being an 17-year-old intern on the set of the TV movie Death of a Salesman, where she claims Hoffman harassed, groped, and mocked her, even requesting that she massage intimate parts of his body.

She told NBC News that she didn’t have the language to describe what was happening at the time, but that she knew her status had been lowered.

Rossetter, who starred alongside Hoffman in the Broadway and TV versions of Death of a Salesman, accused him of groping her while she was on-stage and unable to protest.

She described her relationship with Hoffman as complex, and said she had been lying about it for 34 years.

She explained that when asked about working with Hoffman, she would only speak about the positive aspects of their collaboration, but that there was always a knot in her stomach about the truth.

She said that she didn’t speak out sooner because she felt that nobody would believe her.

Thomas, who says Hoffman exposed himself to her in his hotel room in 1980, stated that she wanted to speak out because she didn’t want to be defined by shame.

She recently told Variety that she kept the incident a secret from Hoffman’s daughter for many years because she didn’t want to cause her embarrassment.

Hoffman has not responded to most of the allegations made against him.

In response to Hunter’s account in the Hollywood Reporter, he stated that he felt terrible if anything he had done made her uncomfortable.

The accusations against Hoffman are part of a wider movement in which women and men are speaking out about sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment industry and beyond.

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