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Sussex’s Biggest Disaster: Netflix Reconsiders Contracts After Harry and Meghan’s Embarrassment

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Sussex’s Biggest Disaster: Netflix Reconsiders Contracts After Harry and Meghan’s Embarrassment

Netflix, the popular streaming giant, is reportedly reconsidering its financial investment in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after witnessing their recent disgraceful behavior.

It seems that business interests are now taking precedence over any personal affiliations.

The photos from St. Paul’s Cathedral have left Netflix feeling disappointed.

While Meghan wore a Cheshire Cat grin, Harry struggled to hide his true emotions.

Despite Meghan’s attempts to console him, it was clear that he was deeply disappointed.

This unexpected turn of events must have come as a shock to Netflix, as they had believed Meghan and Harry to be top-tier members of the royal family.

In a surprising move, the Queen’s communication team has contacted UK newspapers with some intriguing information.

It has been revealed that Harry and Meghan were excluded from a private lunch at Buckingham Palace following the Trooping the Colour ceremony on Thursday.

Similarly, they were not invited to join the rest of the royal family for lunch at the Guildhall after the service at St. Paul’s on Friday.

Even the lesser-known members of the family were present at these events, highlighting the significance of Harry and Meghan’s absence.

This deliberate snub could potentially be embarrassing for Netflix, and Meghan would certainly not want them to know about it.

Critics have questioned the Queen’s decision to allow Meghan and Harry to attend the Jubilee celebrations at all.

However, it seems that the Queen had a strategic plan in mind.

By inviting them to the UK, she set the stage for a shocking blow that would demonstrate the consequences of crossing the royal family.

The whole world is now laughing at Harry, Meghan, and Netflix.

It appears that palace protocol played a role in seating arrangements at St. Paul’s.

According to bloodline and relationship to the Queen, Harry and Meghan should have been seated behind Charles and Anne.

However, this traditional arrangement was altered, and they were placed with less prominent members of the family.

The Queen had approved this change, further adding to their humiliation.

Adding to their woes, it has been reported that Harry and Meghan have no plans to attend any further events this weekend.

It is unlikely that they will be seen in public again before they leave the UK.

This suggests that they may depart earlier than expected, as there seems to be nothing left for them here.

While Meghan might attempt something before returning to the States, the overall situation indicates that something has gone terribly wrong.

Perhaps the Queen felt that they had attended enough events, considering their recent behavior.

She has undoubtedly found herself caught in the middle, but she has also been attentive to public sentiment.

It is possible that she gave them a “time out” to reflect on their actions and the consequences thereof.

The Queen’s decision was not without justification.

Harry and Meghan have been involved in questionable activities, particularly regarding British charities like the Invictus Games Foundation.

Their belief in their own cleverness and entitlement blinded them to the fact that their actions would be scrutinized by the world.

Did they genuinely think they could deceive charities while being watched by millions?

Did they truly believe they could exploit the Queen’s position by skipping Prince Philip’s memorial and then using the Invictus Games as a platform for their Netflix deal?

It appears that they severely underestimated the power and influence of the British monarchy.

This public humiliation may be the wake-up call Harry desperately needed.

Throughout his life, he has acted like a spoiled and jealous child, lacking empathy for his family, his Queen, and his country.

Cruelty often leads to consequences, and it is difficult to feel sympathy for him now that Meghan has experienced firsthand how disliked and insignificant they truly are.

One can only imagine the fury boiling within her after being seated in a less prominent position at St. Paul’s and being excluded from the Guildhall reception.

It seems that their lives have become increasingly challenging, and Harry will bear the brunt of it.

There are reports suggesting that the Queen has met with Archie and Lilibet, although this information is based on speculation.

Meghan had a golden opportunity to join a family with global influence and create a meaningful role for herself.

She could have engaged in quiet philanthropy while learning about royal protocol.

Unfortunately, she chose to ruin everything.

As for Harry, it is clear that the Royal Family’s PR team misled the public about his character.

I must apologize to Her Majesty the Queen for doubting her ability to handle the trouble caused by Harry and Meghan.

She has shown that she still possesses the wisdom and strength to protect the institution she has dedicated her life to.

In conclusion, the Queen’s handling of Harry and Meghan’s behavior can be likened to a spider luring flies into its web.

She enticed them onto her home turf in England, where she could deal with them effectively.

Then, she executed her plan by publicly humiliating and demoting them.

They were denied prominent appearances on the balcony, in the church service, and at the Guildhall.

This is the consequence they must face for their lies and troublemaking over the past two years.

Bravo, Your Majesty, for finally putting them in their rightful place, without any disrespect to you.

I must apologize for ever doubting your commitment to your duty and your people.

What are your thoughts on the Queen’s decision?

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