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Sussex Reunites with Prince and Princess of Wales in Windsor Castle Stroll

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Sussex Reunites with Prince and Princess of Wales in Windsor Castle Stroll

In a long-awaited reunion, the Sussexes and the Waleses were spotted together for the first time in two years during a walkabout at Windsor Castle.

However, this encounter was not without its share of drama and controversy.

Inside sources revealed that Meghan and Harry had made arrangements with Netflix to document their walkabout.

To create an atmosphere of support, paid individuals were present in the crowd, cheering them on and presenting them with flowers.

Meghan intended to place the flowers at a memorial herself, all while being filmed.

Upon learning of this arrangement, the royal family promptly banned Netflix from the event.

Yet, if one looked closely, a cameraman from the streaming platform could still be seen amidst the crowd, discreetly capturing the moments.

Jezebel, being determined to ensure her “money shot” of laying the flowers at the memorial, refused to let anyone else handle the bouquet.

This led Prince William to intervene, insisting that the Sussexes join him and Princess Catherine or not attend at all.

According to a report by, the Sussexes and Waleses were expected to arrive at 4:30 pm but were fashionably late, making their appearance at 5:15 pm.

Royal expert Daisy McAndrew suggested that it was Meghan who caused the delay.

Apparently, she had requested time for her hair and makeup to be done before embarking on the lengthy walk to view the floral tribute and meet the crowd.

McAndrew further speculated that Prince William’s invitation may have been a last-minute decision, as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex needed time to change into formal morning attire.

In the midst of these claims, a woman named Isabel Charters, who had the opportunity to meet Meghan during the walkabout, denied allegations that she was paid to be there or that her interaction with the Duchess was a PR stunt.

Charters clarified that she had never met the girl, Amelka Zak, who hugged Meghan in the crowd.

They were merely standing next to each other by chance, both sharing excitement over seeing Meghan.

Adding to the intrigue, some observers noticed a square-shaped crease on Meghan’s outfit during the walkabout, leading to suspicions that she may have been wearing a microphone.

Speculation arose that Markle was secretly recording the reunion.

Photos of Meghan with a crease resembling a microphone further fueled these suspicions.

Critics of the Sussexes took to social media, accusing Meghan of seeking attention and suggesting that she was recording content for the upcoming Netflix documentary.

Body language expert Judy James analyzed Meghan’s behavior during the event and noted signs of anxiety.

James observed that Meghan appeared more tentative and displayed uncertainty, often touching her hair.

The expert believed that this was a challenging appearance for Meghan, as she seemed reluctant to assume anything.

Even upon exiting the car, Meghan hesitated while Catherine confidently joined William and Harry.

James also pointed out that Meghan held her hands clasped at her waist, a gesture indicating less confidence, and appeared to take cues from William, who extended his arm to guide her forward and greet their host.

The long-awaited reunion between the Sussexes and the Waleses captivated the public’s attention.

Despite the controversies surrounding the event, it provided a glimpse into the dynamics and tensions within the royal family.

As the world continues to watch their every move, the question remains: will this reunion lead to a reconciliation or further deepen the divide?

Only time will tell.

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