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Sophie Turner Embarrassed by Period scene in Game Of Thrones

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Sophie Turner Embarrassed by Period scene in Game Of Thrones

Sansa Stark, played by Sophie Turner in Game of Thrones, was undeniably put through a lot.

Sansa experienced the same growth on-screen as Turner did as she progressed from a child to a woman to a queen in the popular HBO series.

One of Turner’s most regrettable moments in his career came as a result of Sansa’s coming of age.

Turner recently discussed a particularly challenging, embarrassing incident from her work on “Game of Thrones.”

In a video from Vogue Paris, Sophie and Jessica Chastain do a cross-interview while eating dinner to promote their film, X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

Chastain questioned Turner about her most humiliating on-set experience during their interview. The 23-year-old remembered the scenes from season two episode 7, in which Sansa discovers for the first time that she had had her period. For Sansa, it meant she would have to bear children for the then-King Joffrey, but for the actress, it meant plenty of awkwardness.

“When I was 13 or 14, I had to get my period onscreen. It was so embarrassing. I had to keep pulling up my dress and the director would [say] ‘Blood, blood,’ and like keep chucking blood on me,” Turner said. “They had a camera right there in my crotch.”

Chastain — who looked fairly horrified at the story — asked if the director was a man or woman, to which Turner clarified that it was the “costume girls” who put the blood on her.

“So we were good,” she said in jest.

Chastain also talked about her own embarrassing incident, in which she addressed an actor by name rather than by the name of their character during a s-x scene. Nevertheless, it felt like a better option than forcing a young Sophie to continuously have blood splattered on her.

“I was doing a romantic scene with an actor that I had a crush on, years ago, before I was married. I didn’t realise it, but in the scene, I was calling him by their personal name,” she explained. “It was terrible. I didn’t realise until they cut the scene.”

That uncomfortable sensation you get when you realize you’ve given yourself away, huh Chastain?

Game of Thrones was brutal towards a lot of brave character, but the character that was introduced to us as the wimp — John Bradley‘s Samwell Tarly, somehow survived everything. Not only that, but he ultimately rose to the position of Grand Maester in King Bran’s new kingdom of men. John Bradley recently spoke about Sam’s finale and how he became the Grand Maester in an interview with Esquire.

Bradley expressed doubt that Sam would survive all of it and said that Sam’s happy ending was what he had always wanted for him:

“Now he’s the Grand Maester on the small council and he’s using his knowledge and using his unique set of skills, in terms of his academic mind and curiosity, he’s using all of those tools that he has at his disposal to affect the common good and he’s making change. He’s making a difference. That’s the best ending that I could have ever hoped for Sam or even that Sam could have ever hoped for himself. It was beautiful and I hate getting rid of it, it’s just strange to say that because you do feel so firmly connected to the character, you’ve embedded the character. Sometimes, it’s hard to look from the outside in.”

Then he explained how Samwell came to be the Grand Maester:

“There were enough people in Winterfell during the battle planning that Sam’s insight and Sam’s wisdom and Sam’s intellectual capacity was noted by the rest of the people around that table. So they know, that in Episode Six, they have a decision to make. Part of my pride in Sam and part of my hope for Sam would like to believe that they all got together and decided that he would be of use and his input would be valuable in that environment.”

He went on:

“I’d like to think that when they were assembling that team he was seen as somebody that was going to be a very valuable person in that arsenal and a great head to have around that table. And I think that that says a lot about his journey. He was ridiculed and he was worthless and he was cast aside by his family. He was a target of abuse for the rest of the Night’s Watch and everybody else at Castle Black. He’s now in a position where his opinion is being sought. His presence is required to make these big decisions.”

He said that Bran and Sam’s relationship could have assisted him in rising up the ranks, however rightfully:

“I think Bran and Sam have developed such a close bond by this stage because they went through the whole process of finding out Jon’s parentage. They’re such a formidable team because they’re the only two people in the world who can do what they do because Bran can see things and Sam can interpret them. As soon as Bran became King, Sam—who has never been slow when it came to seeing how he could work a situation to his advantage—he could have gone to see Bran and say “Bran now that we are mates and now that you’re King, remember that time when we found out about Jen’s parents? Well how about you do your old mate a favor and maybe see if the Grand Maester position is available.”

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