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Sean Hannity tells Viewers to Get COVID Vaccine

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Sean Hannity tells Viewers to Get COVID Vaccine

As cases of COVID-19 Delta spread across the country, particularly in areas that voted for former President Donald Trump, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity is pushing his viewers to be vaccinated.

During his show, Hannity stated, “It absolutely makes sense for many Americans to get vaccinated.”

“I believe in science, I believe in the science of vaccination.”

“Please take COVID seriously, I can’t say it enough. Enough people have died. We don’t need any more deaths,” Hannity, 59, said on Monday night’s episode of his primetime show. “Research like crazy, talk to your doctor, your doctors, medical professionals you trust based on your unique medical history, your current medical condition, and you and your doctor make a very important decision for your own safety. Take it seriously.”

Viewers were also advised of their rights to “medical privacy” and “doctor-patient confidentiality,” according to Hannity.

According to The Hill, Fox News anchors and hosts have been chastised for their statements opposing coronavirus limitations, mask regulations, and other pandemic-related problems.

The Washington Post reported in March 2020 that on-air host Sean Hannity alluded to the virus as a hoax, stating, “They’re scaring the living hell out of people and I see it again as like, ‘Oh, let’s bludgeon Trump with this new hoax.’”

Hannity continued to criticize colleges for requiring vaccines, despite the fact that school immunization mandates for other diseases are routine.

The network was chastised on Monday when it was revealed that it has in effect created a vaccination passport scheme to safeguard its own employees, despite the fact that its hosts rail against the practice internationally.

“This program has always taken the coronavirus seriously and we’ve never called the virus a hoax,” Hannity said the next night on his show.

Despite medical and scientific consensus that the vaccinations are safe and necessary to halt the spread of the virus, immunization attempts in the United States have been greeted with political opposition.

Late last year, broadcaster Tucker Carlson warned his viewers against the vaccination, but with coronavirus quickly becoming a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” some are rethinking their stand. According to The Hill, Steve Doocy and Bill Hemmer, both Fox News anchors, made similar remarks rejecting safety conspiracy theories.

According to a study conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, 16 percent of Fox viewers indicated they would refuse the COVID-19 vaccination. A whopping 32% of viewers of the right-wing Newsmax and OAN networks said the same.

On Monday, several Fox News anchors, including Steve Doocy and Bill Hemmer, advised viewers to get vaccinated.

Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, Hannity’s fellow primetime Fox News anchors, have hosted guests who have made false claims regarding vaccination effectiveness.

Fox News has been chastised for allegedly signaling vaccination reluctance. “What’s truly tragic is that the disinformation my patients and their families hear from their favorite commentators and pundits is dangerously, life-threateningly wrong. They should listen to their family doctors for medical advice, not Sean Hannity — whom researchers have connected to higher infection rates — or Tucker Carlson, who suggested with zero evidence that Covid-19 vaccines don’t work.”

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