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Princess Anne breaks unwritten royal rule in first interview since Philip’s death

Photos: GETTY


Princess Anne breaks unwritten royal rule in first interview since Philip’s death

Princess Anne violated unwritten royal tradition by praising Prince Philip’s “make do and mend” mentality in the first interview after her father’s death.

The Princess Royal talked with ITV Royal Editor Chris Ship from Gatcombe Park in Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire,

A royal fan noticed Anne had crossed her legs while chatting to ITV’s Chris Ship, according to the Mirror.

They tweeted: “#princessanne sitting like a normal woman with her legs crossed instead of the ridiculous “royal position” of uncrossed”.

The Princess was presenting the Royal Academy of Engineering award.

The medal bears her father’s name and shows their shared interest in the topic.

The Princess Royal previously said that if she hadn’t been born into the Royal Family, she would have become an engineer, and she explained to Mr Ship that this had something to do with her father, who would have been 100 on the day of the ITV interview.

When wearing a skirt, female royals generally choose the modest and attractive “Duchess Slant” or at the very least straight-legged.

Myka Meier, an etiquette expert, revealed to People that it entails bringing your knees and ankles together, slanting your legs to the side, and resting your hands on your lap.

Meghan Markle made headlines in June 2018 when she crossed her legs at the Queen’s Young Leaders Awards event, which she attended with Prince Harry and the Queen.

As the Duchess of Sussex seated, she instinctively crossed her legs before adopting her favored Duchess Slant.

In the ITV interview, Anne discussed the Royal Family’s reaction to Philip’s death.

She said the family “all have to move on” and that before his death, few people realized how diverse his hobbies were or how much his “can do” practical attitude had shaped her upbringing.

“If anything broke, there was always a thought of. “Have a look at this and see if you can mend it,” she said.

“He didn’t throw things away, and that often comes from your own family background.

“Anyone that goes through the Royal Navy training and spends such a long time on a ship, you have to mend and make do.

“Make things work be practical and adjust.”

She attributed it to his life experience, which she extended to the BBQ trailer on the back of his Land Rover.

“The trailer was designed specifically for that role and everything had a place and you needed to know where it was and then it worked,” she said.

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