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Prince Harry’s bald Patch doubles in size after marrying Meghan

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Prince Harry’s bald Patch doubles in size after marrying Meghan

Prince William’s younger brother has taunted him for years about his hair loss.

However, according to a transplant surgeon, Prince Harry’s bald patch has nearly doubled since he married Meghan Markle in May 2018 and became a father to baby Archie.

As the old adage goes, grass doesn’t grow on busy streets, and Harry has been quite busy recently with his Hollywood wife Meghan and becoming a parent. According to Doctor Asim Shahmalak of Manchester’s Crown Clinic, Prince Harry’s bald patch has nearly doubled.

“Fatherhood has definitely not been kind to Prince Harry’s hair,” the Harley Street specialist told Fabulous Digital.

“You can see a definite acceleration in his male pattern baldness in the last few months.”

“Stress IS a factor in hair loss so the struggles of combining his royal duties with marriage and becoming a father for the first time maybe a reason why his hair is thinning noticeably across the top of his scalp.

“A much more significant factor, though, is the strong baldness gene running through the whole Windsor family.

“It started with Prince Philip and has now been passed down to Prince Charles and on to his sons Prince William and Prince Harry.

“William got it first and has the strongest baldness gene of all the royals – he was losing a lot of his hair in his early 20s.

“Harry’s baldness was slower to take off but now, aged 34, he is catching up his brother fast, particularly in the crown area.”

According to the hair specialist, around 30% of men at Harry’s age have suffered some sort of hair loss, therefore his condition is not exceptional, especially when baldness runs in the family.

Dr. Shahmalak also speculated that Prince Harry may have been pressured by his bride Meghan to address his hair loss.

He also indicated that Harry may have grown his beard to compensate for his thinning hair, pointing out that it’s usual for men who are thinning on top to grow a beard to hide the hair loss on the head.

Dr Shahmalak, whose celebrity clients include Calum Best and TV’s Dr Christian Jessen, also stated that Prince Harry could address his baldness immediately by undergoing a hair transplant.

“There is still time for Harry to combat the problem and restore his lost hair,” he stated.

“He needs to act now before it is too late. Prince William could not be helped – he would not have enough donor hair to cover his bald patches.”

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