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Nepal Bans Harry’s Passport for Defaming the Country and Playing Victim

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Nepal Bans Harry’s Passport for Defaming the Country and Playing Victim

The Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, has been banned from returning to Nepal after making derogatory comments about the country in his Oprah interview.

In the interview, Harry complained about going on a humanitarian trip to Nepal, claiming that he was overworked and burned out.

He stated that he was always the yes-man, willing to go wherever the family needed him to go, including Nepal.

However, his remarks did not sit well with many Nepalese citizens who found them insensitive and disrespectful.

The comments were made in contrast to a documentary that Harry had watched about the 2015 Nepal earthquake, which left almost 9,000 people dead, 22,000 injured, and 3.2 million homeless.

The documentary, titled Aftershock, Everest and the Nepal Earthquake, highlighted the devastation caused by the natural disaster.

Harry’s complaints about his trip to Nepal seemed particularly tone-deaf and selfish in light of this tragedy.

The media failed to call out Harry for his insensitive remarks, which only added to the outrage felt by Nepalese citizens.

They were also disappointed in Oprah Winfrey, who failed to question Harry about his comments during the interview.

The failure of the media to hold Harry accountable for his actions is a clear example of their inability to do their job properly.

Harry’s comments also drew criticism for his use of Nepalese children as props in a public relations photograph.

Many of these children lost parents, relatives, homes, and schools due to the earthquake.

Harry’s self-pitying attitude towards Nepal was seen as a complete lack of empathy for the suffering of the Nepalese people.

Furthermore, Harry’s claims that he was burned out from his royal duties were met with skepticism.

Critics pointed out that he was unmarried, childless, and in his early twenties at the time of his trip to Nepal.

He had more freedom from parental duties and was more physically fit than many other royals.

His claims were seen as an attempt to gain sympathy and avoid criticism for his actions.

The ban on Harry’s passport is a direct result of his defamatory comments about Nepal.

The country has deemed him unwelcome and has taken steps to ensure that he cannot return.

This action sends a clear message that Nepal will not tolerate disrespect towards its people or its culture.

In addition to his comments about Nepal, Harry’s behavior during a crisis in Texas also drew criticism.

Witnesses reported that he and Meghan Markle were intrusive and disruptive during a visit to the area.

Meghan was described as a “frigging nuisance” who brought nothing but attention to herself.

Her attempts to enter restricted areas without permission were met with forceful resistance.

Overall, Harry’s behavior has been seen as hypocritical and disrespectful.

His attempts to play the victim have been met with skepticism, and his comments about Nepal have been deemed insensitive and selfish.

The ban on his passport is a clear indication that his behavior will not be tolerated.

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