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Meghan Markle’s Suspicious Pregnancy Behavior Raises Questions About Baby’s Existence

Photos: GETTY

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Meghan Markle’s Suspicious Pregnancy Behavior Raises Questions About Baby’s Existence

In a shocking revelation, a director has come forward to expose Meghan Markle’s alleged use of a highly realistic doll during a polo match.

This news comes amidst the ongoing rumors of the Sussexes’ divorce and their series of failed contracts.

Social networking forums have been abuzz with discussions about Meghan’s peculiar behavior during her pregnancy, with experts and real mothers providing evidence that she may not have actually given birth.

The director, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared his account of a polo match where Prince Harry was playing.

Meghan was expected to stay home, but she decided to attend the event after learning that one of Harry’s old flames would be present.

She arrived at the match wearing a large dark green tent dress and carried a doll that never moved or cried.

The doll’s face was pressed against her chest throughout the sweltering hours of the game.

Meghan didn’t use a stroller or carry any baby essentials, nor did she allow anyone else to touch the doll.

She paraded up and down the sidelines, trying to portray herself as a natural mother.

However, those around her were left in disbelief by her actions.

The famous director, known for his work in the film industry, confirmed that the doll Meghan carried was indeed a prop.

He explained that such dolls are commonly used on film sets to simulate the presence of a baby.

He pointed out that the doll looked remarkably realistic when swaddled, but newborns have distinct features that were absent in Meghan’s doll.

Real babies have colored cheeks, uneven pigmentation, baby fat on their faces, and wrinkles from the folds of their skin.

None of these characteristics were evident in the doll Meghan showcased at the polo match.

Adding to the suspicion, Meghan flew solo to New York City to attend the United States Tennis Open in early September.

She claimed to have left her infant at home, who she said was breastfeeding.

However, in the photos of her watching Serena Williams from the family seats, Meghan appeared far from a worried mother expressing milk.

Instead, she was observed with raw red knees, wearing a button-up denim dress, and engaging in questionable behavior, including flashing Serena’s husband.

She seemed erratic and distant, paying no attention to those around her.

Speculation has arisen regarding the Royal Family’s knowledge and involvement in this matter.

Some believe they may have been complicit in a cover-up.

However, it is important to note that the Royal Family cannot disclose private medical information, including the use of a surrogate.

The responsibility to ensure the eligibility of those in the line of succession lies with the UK government.

It is wise for the Royal Family to allow the government to handle this sensitive issue.

Under UK law, surrogates cannot give consent to relinquish the child until at least six weeks after birth.

Therefore, the birth certificate cannot be finalized until six weeks have passed.

This information supports the theory that Meghan and Harry used the doll during Archie’s first public appearance because he had been born prior to that event.

The doll was likely used to portray Archie as older than he actually was, as he appeared larger than a four-month-old in the photos.

As the controversy surrounding Meghan Markle’s pregnancy continues to unfold, more questions arise about the existence of her child.

With experts and witnesses shedding light on her suspicious behavior, the truth behind Meghan’s pregnancy remains a mystery.

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