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Meghan Markle’s Epic Blunder: The Story of a Missed Opportunity

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Meghan Markle’s Epic Blunder: The Story of a Missed Opportunity

Meghan Markle, the woman who had it all within her grasp, has managed to fumble the biggest bag in the history of women marrying successful rich men.

Let’s take a closer look at Meghan Markle and the series of red flags surrounding her.

Firstly, she resides in LA, a city notorious for its complex relationships.

Secondly, she is an actress, a profession that even actors themselves advise staying away from.

Thirdly, she was 37 when she met Prince Harry, and lastly, she had already been married before.

Despite these glaring warning signs, Prince Harry still decided to marry her.

One can’t help but wonder if Meghan would have given Harry the time of day had he not been a prince.

It seems highly unlikely.

After tying the knot, Meghan and Harry found themselves in both LA and England.

It soon became apparent to Meghan that Harry’s wealth was already established, making her usual plan of divorcing and taking half of everything off the table.

So, what does she do?

She creates drama, following the typical Hollywood playbook.

She aspires to be the next Kim Kardashian, but her inability to get along with anyone only pushes people further away.

Harry, on the other hand, blindly supports her, and they relocate to California, where they invest a significant portion of his inheritance into a lavish house.

In an attempt to make money, Meghan and Harry sign lucrative deals with Netflix and Spotify, which, unfortunately, turn out to be disappointments.

Additionally, Harry has a memoir set to release in November, which is expected to reveal even more scandalous details.

Despite these ventures, they manage to accumulate a staggering $138 million.

However, after taxes and their extravagant lifestyle, the money quickly starts flowing out the window.

Furthermore, they haven’t fulfilled their obligations, leaving them open to potential lawsuits and the need to repay some of the money they’ve already received.

Instead of playing her role and appreciating the winning lottery ticket she possesses, Meghan fails to keep a cool head.

Given that the Queen was 92 when they got married, it would have been wise for Meghan to ensure she remained on the monarch’s good side.

However, she takes the LA approach, believing that drama sells.

To make matters worse, she spills all the beans during her interview with Oprah Winfrey, leaving little else to say.

It becomes evident that Meghan’s true motive was to take Harry out of England and to California, where she could secure her financial future through a divorce.

Unbeknownst to Meghan, the royal family has the power to strip them both of their titles and privileges.

Instead of playing it safe and enjoying their time in California, Meghan squanders her opportunity.

Her apparent sadness is not due to regret but rather the realization that she has fumbled the biggest bag in the history of women marrying rich and successful men.

She had it all, the dream of every girl on earth – marrying a prince.

Yet somehow, she managed to mess it up.

Meanwhile, Prince William is set to inherit a $1.2 billion estate, while his wife, Kate Middleton, will receive $110 million worth of jewelry from the Queen’s personal collection.

As for Harry and Meghan, their fate remains uncertain.

Stripped of their titles, they are reduced to mere individuals, lacking the appeal and influence they once possessed.

In conclusion, Meghan Markle’s story serves as a cautionary tale of missed opportunities and poor decision-making.

She had the chance to secure a life of luxury and comfort, but instead, she chose drama and controversy.

It remains to be seen what the future holds for Meghan and Harry, but one thing is for sure – they are no longer the captivating figures they once were.

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