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Meghan Markle’s brother Thomas Jr admits he ‘feels like an ass’ over scathing letter branding royal wedding a mistake

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Meghan Markle’s brother Thomas Jr admits he ‘feels like an ass’ over scathing letter branding royal wedding a mistake

Thomas Markle has said that he feels “like an ass” for attacking Meghan, when in fact he “couldn’t be more proud of her”

Markle Jr., in an apparent turnaround of his prior public statements, told The Mirror on Friday that he now ‘doesn’t blame’ Meghan for distancing herself from him after she became famous on Suits.

He said: “Things get done out of frustration and you look back and you know you made a mistake.

“You feel like an ass about it.

“But, my true feelings are that I couldn’t be happier for her.”

‘This is every woman’s dream come true, to marry a prince. So I couldn’t be more happy and proud of my sister. She’s incredible,’ he said.

He further claims that his father, who will be unable to attend the wedding owing to illness, would be “overjoyed.” Meghan Markle is being walked down the aisle by Prince Charles.

“Ever since it started with Meg dating Prince Harry it has been a media storm nightmare for me and my entire family,” Thomas Jnr told Mirror Online.

“It puts you in a different mind frame and puts a lot of stress, that you don’t even realise, on you.

“Being photographed and followed, with your private life turned upside down, it’s hard on everybody. So things get done out of frustration and you look back and you know you made a mistake.”

In May, the 51-year-old published his letter to Harry in In Touch magazine, writing to him: “As more time passes to your royal wedding, it became very clear that this is the biggest mistake in royal wedding history.

“Meghan Markle is obviously not the right woman for you.

“I’m confused why you don’t see the real Meghan that the whole world now sees.”

“Meghan’s attempt to act the part of a princess like a below C average Hollywood actress is getting old.”

The letter went on to say that their father, Thomas Markle Sr, went into debt to fund Ms Markle’s acting career and is now financially struggling.

He claimed it’s ‘understandable’ that she immersed herself into the role of a lifetime on Suits, and he doesn’t blame her for it today, despite earlier statements.

‘It’s hard on everybody. Things get done out of frustration then you look back and you know you’ve made a mistake

‘When she went to Toronto, and jumped right into that, it was her biggest role. When you jump into Hollywood like that it demands so much of you; it pulls you in every different direction, away from your family and away from contact.

‘And that’s completely understandable – that’s Hollywood. If you ask any actress or actor they’ll do that first before anything. We still remain close at heart.

‘If I was in Meghan’s shoes I would get caught up and forget to make that phone call.

‘We didn’t have a falling out, we always had a great relationship and I’m very proud of her. I was busy in my life too and I’d relocated from LA.

‘Everyone gets busy. It’s normal in our family,’ he said.

Thomas Jnr, who is in London to support his sister ahead of the wedding, said his greatest memories of Meghan were forged during a tough period for the Markle family.

‘My favourite and fondest memory of Meghan is – well, it was an unfortunate time with my grandmother passing – but in the two years prior to that we would spend every other weekend together, with my grandmother, and it was a very personal time.

‘She gave selfless attention and cared for my grandmother. It was incredible. Meghan would come into the room and she would light up like a Christmas tree.

‘It was a great time because that was the real Meghan. It is the real Meghan. I will never forget it and my father will never forget it. It’s very special,’ he said.

He has previously accused her of “acting phoney” and of “trying to reinvent herself as the new Princess Diana”

It comes as Buckingham Palace this morning announced Harry and Meghan are to become the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

They explained: “The Queen has today been pleased to confer a Dukedom on Prince Henry of Wales. His titles will be Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel.

“Prince Harry thus becomes His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, and Ms. Meghan Markle on marriage will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex.”

George and Amal Clooney, as well as David and Victoria Beckham, are among the most prominent celebrities in attendance.



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