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Meghan Markle Faces Criticism from Hollywood Powerhouse

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Meghan Markle Faces Criticism from Hollywood Powerhouse

In a recent blow to Meghan Markle, Hollywood executive Jeremy Zimmer dismissed her as a talentless broadcaster.

Zimmer, known for guiding the careers of stars like Benedict Cumberbatch and Damian Lewis, shared his verdict on Meghan’s abilities after streaming platform Spotify terminated its £18 million deal with her and Prince Harry following just one podcast series.

As the CEO of United Talent Agency, Zimmer stated that he wasn’t surprised by Spotify’s decision, claiming that Meghan lacked audio talent and any notable skills.

Speaking at the Cannes Lions advertising festival in France, he emphasized that fame does not automatically equate to greatness.

He also pointed out that successful podcasters start small and build their careers over time, something Meghan failed to grasp.

Zimmer further mocked Meghan and Harry, stating that it was laughable for them to believe they could improve on Charles Dickens.

While acknowledging the potential of the Invictus program, he questioned whether it truly portrayed Harry’s genuine concern for wounded soldiers, suggesting that their involvement was more focused on paid appearances and Netflix franchising.

Despite some Americans’ admiration for the royal family, Zimmer argued that Meghan and Harry’s royal titles were the primary reason for securing lucrative deals with Spotify and Netflix.

However, these corporations mistakenly believed there was untapped talent, leading to exorbitant payments for essentially nothing.

The absence of support from the royal family has worked against Meghan and Harry, as they are not inherently famous but rather public figures driven by media attention.

Their attempts to manufacture stories about themselves have resulted in a decline in public interest.

Meghan’s initial popularity in the UK waned when she began criticizing the monarchy and other members of the royal family, exacerbating the situation with her own behavior.

Zimmer suggested that if Meghan had been more receptive to advice and less controlling, she could have made a positive impact as a working royal.

Instead, their actions led to their pariah status.

Zimmer also criticized Meghan’s misunderstanding of the role of a royal, emphasizing that it is not about personal content or financial gain but rather serving the country’s best interests.

He blamed corporations for paying Meghan and Harry to air their personal grievances, ultimately damaging their reputation.

In today’s cancel culture, their clash with the revered institution of the monarchy has only made them appear whiny and greedy.

Zimmer argued that Meghan’s marriage to Prince Harry should not have granted her the entitlement she assumed, and Harry himself should have recognized that being a prince does not come with automatic privileges.

Rather, it is a job that requires dedication.

Regarding Harry’s involvement in the upcoming documentary on the Invictus Games, Zimmer suggested that it was a ploy for positive attention and ratings.

He criticized Harry’s decision to prioritize attending a Disney premiere over a veterans’ event, claiming it was purely for public relations purposes.

Zimmer believed that Meghan and Harry would soon rely on each other as their connection to the royal family diminishes.

He concluded by stating that the couple’s only interesting aspect was their association with the monarchy, which is rapidly fading.

The recent Oprah interview failed to captivate audiences due to their lack of charm, leading Zimmer to advise them to lay low and focus on their charitable work.

He also highlighted their failure to plan their exit from royal life and questioned their talents and abilities, suggesting that their current deals with Spotify and Netflix were short-term strategies lacking substance.

In conclusion, Meghan Markle’s dismissal by Jeremy Zimmer, a prominent figure in Hollywood, has further tarnished her reputation.

Zimmer’s critique of her broadcasting skills and lack of talent, coupled with his skepticism regarding the royal couple’s ability to deliver meaningful content, highlights the challenges they face in their post-royal careers.

As they navigate this new chapter, it remains to be seen whether Meghan and Harry can regain public interest and establish themselves as more than just public figures.

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