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Meghan and Harry’s Parenting Under Scrutiny After Callie Nanny Calls Child Protective Services Over Illegal Drug Use

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Meghan and Harry’s Parenting Under Scrutiny After Callie Nanny Calls Child Protective Services Over Illegal Drug Use

A recent post by an anonymous source has shed light on some disturbing parenting practices in Meghan and Harry’s Montecito home.

The source claims that the couple’s nannies are required to sign NDAs, but this information is being relayed by Meghan’s friends.

The source alleges that Meghan favors Archie and spends little time with Lilibet, who is not with the couple and is being cared for by her birth mother in Beverly Hills.

According to the source, Harry avoids interacting with the children as much as possible, leaving the nannies to raise them.

The couple allegedly has strict rules about what their children can eat, with everything consumed meticulously documented.

The nanny is also required to follow the children around, especially when they are learning to walk.

The source claims that these practices are abusive and sickening, and that Child Protective Services (CPS) has been called to investigate the home.

The source alleges that both parents drink and at least one has publicly admitted to habitual heavy drug use.

It is also suggested that there may be complications with the younger child’s legal status.

The source further alleges that Archie has been removed from the home, while Lilibet remains in the care of her birth mother.

The Montecito house is said to have been available for rent for some time now, raising questions about whether the couple actually lives there.

CPS is believed to be involved, and it is suggested that MI5 is aware that Harry and Meghan have never been given custody of any children.

The floodgates are opening on the truth about the couple, according to the source, and it won’t be long before more revelations come to light.

Harry’s recent statement that they are doing the best they can as parents, which was notably understated for the typically hyperbolic couple, has raised questions about the children’s well-being.

The allegations of illegal drug use and neglectful parenting practices are serious and concerning.

It is not yet clear what actions, if any, CPS has taken in response to the allegations.

The public will be watching closely for updates on this developing story.

In conclusion, the allegations made by the anonymous source paint a disturbing picture of Meghan and Harry’s parenting practices.

The couple’s apparent neglect of their children and illegal drug use are serious concerns that must be addressed.

The involvement of CPS suggests that action is being taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the children involved.

As more information comes to light, the public will be looking for answers and accountability from those responsible.

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