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Meghan and Harry: The Duke and Duchess of Hypocrisy

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Meghan and Harry: The Duke and Duchess of Hypocrisy

Meghan and Harry have once again found themselves in the spotlight, but this time it’s not for their groundbreaking work or their inspiring philanthropy.

No, this time it’s because Spotify has canceled their secret illusion project.

And it’s no surprise why.

According to a recent YouTube news video transcript, Harry had some rather delusional ideas about what he could achieve with his newfound celebrity status.

During a meeting at Spotify headquarters in Los Angeles, Harry suggested that he could interview world leaders like Putin or the Pope about their personal traumas.

Of course, nobody knew what to say.

The Pope?


Harry seemed to think that simply showing up and spewing a few platitudes would be enough to land him these interviews.

But as we all know, the real world doesn’t work that way.

Harry’s MO on all his projects has been described as consistently disappointing, and according to the Wall Street Journal, his latest talk is of a Netflix show called Bad Manners based on Dickens’ Miss Havisham.

But even this seems unlikely to succeed, given Harry’s lack of talent, hard work, and intelligence.

It’s clear that Harry is still stuck in the past, unable to move forward and deal with his own problems.

If he wants to interview people who have gone through trauma, maybe he should go out into the real world and help people in need.

Unfortunately, Harry has always had an overblown ego, believing he is so important, and when he got together with Meghan, things only got worse.

Meghan herself has not helped Harry, encouraging him to write a whiny memoir and dumping the father who raised her.

And let’s not forget Meghan’s own delusions of grandeur.

She seems to believe that because she’s married to a prince, everyone should care about her opinion.

But her high opinion of herself is not supported by any substance.

In the end, Meghan and Harry made the mistake of believing they could have their cake and eat it too.

They thought corporations would automatically treat them with deference and pay a lot of money for the privilege.

But unfortunately for them, they were wrong.

Unlike the sovereign grant in the privy purse, Spotify and Netflix are not going to pay the same amount regardless of whether you’ve had a great year or a horrible year.

This is the reality of what life is like as a civilian.

You have to work for your money.

And while life as a royal may have its own set of frustrations, at least Harry would never have had to worry about paying the mortgage or his children’s school fees.

In the real world, one must depend on their talent, hard work, and intelligence.

Unfortunately, Prince Harry is truly lacking in all three of these areas.

In conclusion, it’s clear that Meghan and Harry are the Duke and Duchess of hypocrisy.

They have renounced the privileges that go along with being a royal, but they still expect to be treated like royalty.

They need to deal with their own problems first and foremost, and stop wallowing in their own self-pity.

Otherwise, they’ll continue to be ridiculed and rejected by the very people they’re trying so hard to impress.

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