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Lady C Drops Bombshell Revelations About Meghan Markle in Recent YouTube Episode

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Lady C Drops Bombshell Revelations About Meghan Markle in Recent YouTube Episode

In a recent episode on her YouTube channel, Lady C has made shocking claims about Meghan Markle, hinting at information that could potentially damage her reputation.

Lady C stated, “I know things about Meghan Markle that would make your hair stand on end.

You think you know things, but you know very little.

There’s an awful lot more to come out.”

However, she refrained from divulging further details due to legal reasons.

Lady C also raised questions about the relationship between Meghan and Prince Harry.

She asked, “Who says that Harry’s wife has not already turned on Harry?

Some of their PR does not show Harry in a good light.”

Lady C suggested that Meghan is subtly planting seeds to tarnish Harry’s image.

She claimed that Meghan has humiliated people into silence, citing Trevity Trev-Trev as an example.

Valentin Lowe, the author who exposed Meghan’s mistreatment of palace staff, received high praise from Lady Colin Campbell.

She expressed her satisfaction with Lowe’s book, stating, “Valentin Lowe has done a wonderful job.

He’s gone to the base of the iceberg.

He’s quoted chapter and verse.”

Lady C emphasized that the book contains official testimonies from palace staff members, suggesting that it had the backing of the palace itself.

Lady Colin Campbell also suggested that the palace cooperated with the publication of the book to keep Meghan and Harry in check.

She stated, “And of course, let’s not forget this has been done with the palace cooperation, so that Meghan and Harry will be firmly kept in their box.”

Lady C praised Prince William for supporting the staff members and allowing the revelations to come to light.

She said, “I think it’s nice for Prince William because he was the one who was backing up his disadvantaged, bullied staff from the word go, and he’s the one that stood up for them and he’s the one who allowed this get out and I think it’s wonderful.”

Meanwhile, royal expert Duncan Larcombe compared Meghan to a minefield, stating, “Meghan was more like a minefield than a ticking time bomb.”

This comment comes after reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have decided to part ways with their PR agency, Sunshine s**, due to their belief that they no longer need to pay exorbitant fees for their public relations.

According to a source, Meghan holds the view that she can handle her own PR without the need for an expensive external firm.

The source told the Daily Mail, “This is a really big deal for Meghan.

She takes the view that she doesn’t need to pay an outside firm a lot of money to do PR for her and Harry anymore.”

As Lady C continues to tease further revelations and the fallout from Valentin Lowe’s book unfolds, the scrutiny surrounding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s actions and reputation shows no signs of abating.

With each new development, the public’s curiosity and interest in this high-profile couple only seem to grow.

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