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John Mayer masturb@ted to get over Jennifer Aniston

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John Mayer masturb@ted to get over Jennifer Aniston

John Mayer, the singer, songwriter, and musician has revealed some intimate details about his life and relationships in a recent interview with Rolling Stone.

In the interview, which features Mayer shirtless on the cover, the musician talks about everything from his love life to his favorite album, and even his self-pleasure habits.

One of the topics that John Mayer was willing to talk about in the interview was his past relationship with Jennifer Aniston, which ended several years ago.

Mayer confessed to the magazine that he has never really gotten over his breakup with Aniston, saying, “It was one of the worst times of my life.”

Despite their split, Mayer said that he still has a lot of respect for Aniston, and he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings by saying that he doesn’t want to be with her.

He explained, “What would I be saying to Jen, who I think is f**ing fantastic, if I said to her, ‘I don’t dislike you. In fact, I like you extremely well. But I have to back out of this because it doesn’t arc over the horizon. This is not where I see myself for the rest of my life, this is not my ideal destiny.”

Mayer went on to say that he’s not looking for another serious relationship right now, and that he’s actually more interested in reconnecting with old flames.

He said, “All I want to do now is f**k the girls I’ve already f**ked, because I can’t fathom explaining myself to somebody who can’t believe I’d be interested in them, and they’re going, ‘But you’re John Mayer!’ So I’m going backwards to move forward. I’m too freaked out to meet anybody else.”

However, when it comes to satisfying his carnal urges, Mayer admits that he’s turned to a new level of self-gratification.

He says, “I am the new generation of masturb@tor. I’ve seen it all. Before I make coffee, I’ve seen more butt holes than a proctologist does in a week… I have masturb@ted myself out of serious problems in my life.”

Mayer explains that he doesn’t masturb@te just for the physical pleasure, but because it helps him clear his mind.

He says, “because I want to take a brain bath. It’s like a hot whirlpool for my brain, in a brain space that is 100 percent agreeable with itself.”

The musician also revealed some of his favorite music in the interview, saying that he’s a big fan of the Grateful Dead’s “American Beauty” album.

He said, “It’s my favorite album of all time. There’s no album that I’ve spent more time in its company than that one.”

Mayer also talked about his guitar playing in the interview, saying that he’s always looking for ways to improve his technique.

He said, “I’m always trying to make the guitar sound like a human voice. I’m trying to make it breathe, and have its own personality.”

Despite all of his frank admissions in the interview, Mayer is clearly a talented musician who is dedicated to his craft.

He said, “I’m not interested in a legacy that fades. I’m interested in a legacy that lives on. I’m interested in being remembered as someone who was not only good at music, but who was good at the challenges of music.”

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