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Jennifer Lawrence bashes ‘radical’ Republicans over voter restrictions

Photos: GETTY


Jennifer Lawrence bashes ‘radical’ Republicans over voter restrictions

Following Republican attempts to impose tighter voting restrictions, Jennifer Lawrence contributed her star power to a PSA supporting the For the People Act, which is now being debated in the Senate.

The Hunger Games actress serves on the organization’s board of directors, and their website says that their objective is to ‘bring together conservatives and progressives to pass laws to fix our broken elections,’ as well as to ‘end political corruption, extremism, and gridlock.’

Lawrence says in a little more than a minute-long Public Service Announcement for an organization called RepresentUs:

“Whatever your personal politics are, whatever side of the aisle you find yourself on, you need to know that your vote matters and the outcome of our elections are not maneuvered and manipulated.”

“In Texas, Georgia and Florida and 44 other states, there’s a radical wing of the Republican Party that is actively dismantling Americans’ rights to vote because they don’t have the numbers to win otherwise without gerrymandering or shutting down hundreds of voting facilities within reach of minorities and specifically targeting and carving out people of color,” the actress continued. “They can’t win, but this is cheating and it is not democracy.”

The 30-year-old actress then went on to express her support for the For the People Act, also known as S1 or HR1, which aims to ‘expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limit partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders,’ according to the bill.

She is criticizing the Republican Party for attempting to tighten voting restrictions after the 2020 election, despite the fact that the party lost the president as well as the Senate majority.

According to Fox News, the measure would also require states to provide 15 days of early voting as well as no-excuse absentee ballots, which 14 states would be required to do if the For the People Act legislation passed.

“There’s a law in the Senate right now called the For the People Act and it can reverse these anti-voting laws and it can stop billionaires from being able to buy our elections,” she says. ” It even says that all voting machines need to be made here in the U.S. But it’s going to take a lot of pressure from us to get it to pass.”

‘Let the politicians bicker and throw tantrums, let’s just make sure they remember who they work for,’ Lawrence concludes in the video clip.

The measure is the most significant reform of U.S. election law in at least a century, and it addresses many elements of the voting process, such as forcing states to automatically register eligible voters and provide same-day voter registration.

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