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Harry Breaks Down in Tears as Meg Denies FaceTime Call for Witness

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Harry Breaks Down in Tears as Meg Denies FaceTime Call for Witness

Prince Harry was overcome with emotion as he appeared in the High Court today, admitting “I don’t know” and “I don’t remember” multiple times during a grueling session.

While he acknowledged that he had no evidence of being hacked by a tabloid news group, he strongly believed that it would be unjust if he were denied victory in his phone hacking case against the Mirror newspaper’s publisher.

During the hearing, Harry repeatedly deferred to his legal team, urging Andrew Green KC, representing MGN, to direct his questions to them instead.

He also relied on Green’s assertions, saying “I’ll take your word for it” on several occasions.

Green challenged the Prince, stating that he was speculating without any phone call records to support his allegations.

In the witness box for the second day at the Royal Courts of Justice, Harry was asked if he had any evidence of being hacked.

He responded, “No, I wouldn’t know.

My legal team would know that.

That’s part of the reason why I’m here, my lord.”

When questioned about consistent hacking between 1996 and 2010, he admitted, “Consistently, I wouldn’t know.”

As the questioning intensified, Harry struggled to hold back tears when his barrister, David Sherborne, asked him about his experience giving evidence.

Overwhelmed, the Prince paused before managing to express, “it’s a lot.”

At the end of the previous trial session, the judge instructed Harry not to discuss his testimony with anyone overnight.

In a lighthearted response, he humorously inquired if this included his wife and children, jokingly referring to a potential FaceTime call.

However, as Harry’s emotional day and a half of answering questions drew to a close, he sought permission from the judge to contact his wife for advice.

Despite his plea, Meghan did not answer the FaceTime call, indicating her refusal to testify or support him in court.

This marked a significant setback for Harry, as the judge had previously made an exception to the rule.

The absence of Meghan’s assistance raises questions about her role in Harry’s decision to pursue legal action.

It appears that she may possess crucial evidence, given Harry’s evident reliance on her guidance.

However, she chose not to stand by her husband during this critical moment, opting to keep her distance and maintain separate lives.

This situation highlights the perception that Harry has always been sheltered and reliant on others.

He has never been required to think independently, as he had a team of staff to handle such matters.

Consequently, he lacks the executive function necessary for planning, organizing, and meeting goals, leaving him floundering on the world stage.

While the outcome of the case remains uncertain, it is essential to consider the principle of justice.

If Harry can provide evidence of his phone being hacked, pursuing legal action is justified.

However, winning a case without evidence challenges the integrity of the court system and raises concerns about fairness.

In conclusion, Prince Harry’s emotional breakdown in court and his admission of lacking evidence have added complexity to his phone hacking case.

The absence of Meghan’s support further underscores the challenges Harry faces.

As the trial continues, the question of whether justice can be served without concrete evidence remains at the forefront.

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