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Harry and Meghan’s Disingenuous Claims: Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Victim Narrative

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Harry and Meghan’s Disingenuous Claims: Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Victim Narrative

In a shocking turn of events, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continue to blame the public for not believing them to be victims.

The notorious couple, known for their hypocritical behavior, seem perplexed as to why the world finds them disingenuous.

Let’s delve into some of the incidents that have raised eyebrows and shed light on their questionable claims.

One incident that stands out is the dog bowl incident, where Harry alleges that Prince William threw him into a dog bowl after Meghan was called rude and abrasive.

However, what Harry conveniently fails to mention is the provocation that led to this altercation.

Did Harry insult William and Kate?

It seems there is more to the story than meets the eye.

Harry’s contradictory statements only add fuel to the fire, as he spins lies and contradictions within his own book.

The rift between the brothers seems irreparable, with William unlikely to forgive Harry anytime soon.

The cruel and hateful remarks made by Harry about his own brother are truly shocking.

Such envy and resentment displayed by Harry towards his own flesh and blood leaves one speechless.

While William may have a temper, there is no evidence of him resorting to physical violence like Harry has in the past.

Another incident that raises questions is Meghan’s tearful claim that her father wouldn’t take her calls a week before the wedding.

While she portrays herself as innocent, it is clear that there was something hurtful said by Meghan that caused her father to distance himself.

The lack of context provided by Meghan leaves us wondering what transpired during those conversations.

The comment about the skin color of their baby is yet another contentious issue.

Meghan fails to provide any context, leaving us to speculate on the true nature of the comment.

Was it an innocent remark or something more sinister?

The vagueness surrounding this topic only fuels public imagination and leads to a negative perception of the couple.

Furthermore, Meghan’s announcement at Lily’s christening that the child is now a princess raises eyebrows.

The lack of an official declaration from Buckingham Palace regarding these titles raises doubts about their authenticity.

Without any concrete proof, it seems that Meghan may be manifesting these titles rather than them being officially bestowed.

The continuous gray rocking by Buckingham Palace adds to the skepticism surrounding the couple’s claims.

Their ability to declare anything without any response from the palace allows them to manipulate the narrative to their advantage.

The quiet placement of titles on a website without any formal announcement from the king raises suspicions about the legitimacy of these titles.

It is clear that the public is growing tired of Harry and Meghan’s lies and victimhood narrative.

Their failure to understand why people don’t believe them only highlights their deviousness.

By omitting crucial details and manipulating the truth, they have lost credibility in the eyes of the public.

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