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Greta Thunberg criticized after pointed U.N. speech

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Greta Thunberg criticized after pointed U.N. speech

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist, has sparked outrage after chastising world leaders at the United Nations for not doing more to combat climate change.

Right-wing media celebrities, government politicians, and climate doubters make up the majority of Thunberg’s critics. In responding to Thunberg, these opponents have chosen a variety of methods, some of which are more rational than others. Some have appeared to try to undermine Thunberg by using her Asperger’s diagnosis, as Michael Knowles, a writer for The Daily Wire, did on Fox News.

“Her mother chronicled her mental illness in a book. Living with mental illnesses is not a humiliating experience.”

Mr D’Souza compared Thunberg’s appearance to Nazi propaganda the day before her UN address, uploading a photo of Thunberg wearing her characteristic long braids next to an artwork of a young lady with a similar hairdo standing in front of a swastika banner on Twitter.

‘Children—notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks—were often used in Nazi propaganda. An old Goebbels technique’

Thunberg and other teenage protestors who took part in the worldwide climate strikes, according to Fox News commentator Laura Ingraham, seemed to be cult members. President Donald Trump also added his two cents in the form of a mocking tweet, which read: “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”

Other right-wing opponents have argued that the adults surrounding Thunberg are using her for political advantage, rather than attacking her directly.

Similar tones were raised by other prominent leaders on the right. Sebastian Gorka, who briefly served in President Donald Trump’s White House, remarked on Twitter that Thunberg’s comments were “disturbingly redolent of a Maoist “re-education” camp victim.”

One organization said, “…a large subsection of the commentariat driving the abuse of Greta is part of an established network of radical free-marketeer lobby groups — a network that has firm ties to the fossil fuel industry and funders of climate science denial,”

Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham labeled Thunberg’s UN address “chilling” and featured a piece about how climate change “hysteria” is affecting American kids.

An environmental organization, DeSmog U.K., released an article claiming that pro-deregulation authorities, corporate leaders, and media celebrities who favor Brexit are orchestrating most of the vitriol directed at Thunberg.

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