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Charlize Theron refuses to make eye contact with common folk

Photos: GETTY


Charlize Theron refuses to make eye contact with common folk

Over the course of her career, Charlize Theron has certainly made a name for herself.

Since breaking into show business, she’s earned a huge amount of money and been able to mingle with high society – and it seems as though she’s since forgotten her roots.

According to insiders, Charlize is one of the worst celebrity bosses out there.

It’s been reported that Charlize doesn’t like to associate herself with her staff or the common folk.

She refuses to look them in the eye and she refused to acknowledge them in her house at all. Instead, she writes notes to them if she wants anything done or requires their services.

This behavior has been observed by several of her staff members, who have reported feeling disrespected and devalued by the actress.

They claim that she treats them like servants, rather than fellow human beings.

But it’s not just her staff who have been on the receiving end of her disdain. Fans have also reported being snubbed by Charlize at events and public appearances.

She reportedly avoids making eye contact with them, and has been known to ignore their requests for autographs and photos.

Some have even gone so far as to say that Charlize has become a diva, with a sense of entitlement that is out of control.

They claim that she acts as though she is above everyone else, and that she doesn’t care about the people she interacts with.

It’s a shame to see such a talented actress behaving in this way. After all, Charlize has had a long and successful career, and she should be proud of all that she’s accomplished.

But instead, she seems to have let fame and fortune go to her head.

It’s important for celebrities to remember that their success is due in large part to their fans and staff. Without them, they wouldn’t be where they are today.

It’s time for Charlize to take a step back and remember her humble beginnings, and start treating the people around her with the respect they deserve.

This kind of behavior is not only disrespectful and unprofessional, but it is also harmful to the mental health of those who have to deal with it.

It’s time for Charlize to change her ways and start treating the people around her with kindness and respect.

It is important to remember that celebrities are not above the rest of society, they are just people who have a special talent that the public enjoys.

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