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Biden says that Queen Elizabeth asked about Putin and Xi

Photos: GETTY


Biden says that Queen Elizabeth asked about Putin and Xi

During their 45-minute tea conversation at Windsor Castle following the G7 meeting on Sunday, Joe Biden and the Queen talked about Russian and Chinese leaders, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

It is “exceptionally rare” for anybody, including the UK Prime Minister, to divulge the details of a meeting with the 95-year-old queen to the general public.

Frank Gardner, a BBC security journalist, was compelled to publicly apologize in 2012 after revealing what the Queen had informed him about Abu Hamza, the imam of Finsbury Park mosque in north London, on Radio 4.

But, before flying off to his next stop, Brussels, the US president, the world’s most powerful leader, offered White House reporters a glimpse of their encounter on the tarmac at Heathrow airport on Sunday evening.

“We had a long talk, she was very generous. I don’t think she’d be insulted, but she reminded me of my mother. In terms of the look of her and just the generosity.”

“She wanted to know what the two leaders that I – the one I’m about to meet with, Mr Putin, and she wanted to know about Xi Jinping,” the president told reporters.

Biden had already emphasized the significance of the meeting with Putin to G7 leaders on Sunday, calling the two’s present relationship as “historically low.”

Mr Biden told reporters, “I think the best way to deal with this is for he and I to meet.”

Biden and his wife Jill were cordially received by the Queen, who was dressed in a bright pink flowery gown, at the Quadrangle of the castle, which has been home to the royal family for almost 1,000 years, where they were given to a taste of British grandeur.

Biden was the 13th Vice President to meet Elizabeth II, and he was joined by his wife, Jill.

Biden inspected a ceremonial guard of honour in the central square of the castle in Berkshire as part of the festivities.

He then claimed that the US-UK alliance was the “strongest military and political alliance in the history of the world.”

Before entering, the Queen introduced the US President and First Lady to her lady-in-waiting, Dame Annabel Whitehead.

The Bidens had previously met the queen on their tour to the United Kingdom in the southern English county of Cornwall, where the Queen hosted a reception for leaders of the Group of Seven affluent nations and their wives after the three-day summit.

Biden also stated that the Queen had been invited to the White House, which she first visited in October 1957 under Dwight Eisenhower’s presidency. That wasn’t her first encounter with a US president: she had met Harry Truman as a princess in 1951.

The Bidens landed at Heathrow this afternoon in Air Force One before getting out of a Range Rover at Windsor Castle about 5 p.m.

Following the Trumps in 2018, the Obamas in 2016, President George W. Bush and his wife in 2008, and the Reagans in 1982, the Bidens became the queen’s fourth president and first lady to visit Windsor.

The Queen and her visitors were photographed in the castle’s Grand Corridor, with a petite queen clad in pink flanked by slightly taller guests, but no specifics of their conversation were revealed by the palace.

Mr. and Mrs. Biden, as well as Emmanuel Macron, were left laughing as Her Majesty made earlier jokes before a photo call with world leaders, asking them, “Are you supposed to be looking as if you’re enjoying yourself?”

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