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How Harvey forced himself on me: Actress reveals ordeal

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How Harvey forced himself on me: Actress reveals ordeal

Jessica Mann, one of the women accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape, testified in court on Friday, claiming that she had an abusive relationship with him.

The former actress, now a hairstylist, described s**ual encounters with Weinstein and offered shocking descriptions of his body.

Mann revealed that Weinstein raped her in 2013 at a New York City hotel room where he blocked her from leaving, demanded she undress, and then forced himself on her.

She said that she rushed to the bathroom, where she saw a needle in the garbage can.

After Googling the name on the syringe later, she discovered that the medication was meant to treat erectile dysfunction.

Weinstein has been charged with s**ually assaulting actress Mimi Haleyi in 2006 and raping Mann in 2013.

He is pleading not guilty.

Mann testified that they first met at a party in Los Angeles, and he pursued a s**ual relationship with her shortly afterward.

Despite her lack of attraction to him, Mann said that she continued to see him for reasons she struggled to articulate, stating that his approval meant so much to her.

At other points, she described fearing his temper, saying, “It was like Jekyll and Hyde.”

Victims of domestic abuse do not leave their abusers for many reasons.

In many cases, abusers seek to exert power over their victim.

Mann testified that Weinstein told her she wasn’t allowed to date anyone else “in the industry,” and later grew enraged when she began dating an actor.

Weinstein’s defense team objected multiple times throughout Mann’s testimony.

Mann is one of six women testifying against Weinstein during the trial, but only the second whose allegations resulted in criminal charges.

Weinstein’s defense attorney Donna Rotunno began grilling Mann during cross-examination Friday afternoon, growing hostile at points and accusing her multiple times of lying to Weinstein by feigning s**ual attraction towards him.

Rotunno presented the jury with an unpublished blog post Mann had written in her phone about a threesome with an “older man” and another woman, and forced Mann to read the entry aloud in court.

The blog post bore striking similarities to the threesome Mann said she had with Weinstein, except in the post, Mann had described the encounter as exciting and enjoyable.

Rotunno stated that the note in Mann’s phone talks about the older man she was casually dating and the Italian actress, touching a b–b, going into the bathroom, and being upset, all of which were mentioned in her testimony.

However, Mann responded that the blog post was only loosely based on her experience with Weinstein and that she wept as she wrote it because she found the actual experience so upsetting.

During her testimony, Mann also claimed that Weinstein’s hygiene was poor, stating, “He smelled like s— — excuse me, sorry.

Like poop.

And he just was dirty.” When reporters later asked Weinstein outside the courtroom if Mann’s description of his genitals was accurate, he laughed and sarcastically responded, “Yeah, perfect.”

Juda Engelmayer, Weinstein’s press representative, told Insider that Mann’s testimony and other witnesses brought forth by prosecutors suggest there are “irregularities” in the case.

“There are clearly inconsistencies in the testimony that belie rationality, and these will have to be explored during the defense’s cross-examination,” he said.

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