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When David Letterman licked Jennifer Aniston’s hair in an unearthed interview: WATCH

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When David Letterman licked Jennifer Aniston’s hair in an unearthed interview: WATCH

Fans have been outraged by an unearthed video of David Letterman licking Jennifer Aniston’s hair, which has gone viral.

Following the publication of The New York Times’ documentary “Framing Britney Spears,” which documents the media’s harsh treatment of the pop diva during the height of her stardom, some of the 73-year-old television personality’s old interviews have been re-examined in a new light.

Letterman previously reduced troubled actress Lindsay Lohan to tears in a 2013 footage, with the Aniston interview being the most recent.

During the conversation, the “Friends” star tells Letterman about bumping into admirers in the steam room of a gym. Later, Letterman walks closer to the actress and says, “Forgive me if this is rude. I just want to try one thing.”

“What are you doing?” Aniston says, visibly perplexed.

He then approaches her face, puts strands of Aniston’s hair in his lips, and sucks on them before gently backing away. During the unusual interaction, Aniston was laughing, but she was noticeably startled minutes later when she wiped her hair with a tissue.

“I’m sorry…,” he said as he returned to his seat and gave her a tissue to clean the drool off her hair. “I’m sorry… something to do with the steam room.”

After the unusual incident, Aniston states in the footage, ‘That was something I’ll never forget.’ And when Letterman later asks if she was ‘traumatized’ by the interlude, she responds: ‘I am!

The footage was discovered by Twitter users, who were (rightfully) upset.

One Twitter user said, “Watching these david letterman interviews makes me cringe #Jenniferaniston.”

Another follower remarked, “Holy s***. @letterman was a monster,” while another described the scene as “disgusting.”

Another commented, “This jennifer aniston interview on David Letterman in 1998 is still disgusting to watch.”

Another individual came to Aniston’s defense, commenting, “This horrific. We need to keep remembering this stuff happened and still does in people’s everyday lives.”

Is it possible to envisage a media figure doing anything similar today? Despite the fact that the lines between celebrities and the media are more clearly defined now than they were 20 years ago, the passage of time should not excuse anybody from physical abuse. Women’s treatment was despicable in 1998, and it is still despicable in 2021.

Awkward interviews

This is not the only time that a celebrity has been the subject of inappropriate behavior during an interview, or vice versa.

In fact, there have been many other instances where celebrities have been subjected to awkward, uncomfortable, or even offensive comments or actions during interviews.

Actress Sandra Bullock was interviewed by talk show host Craig Ferguson, and he made a series of inappropriate comments about her appearance and personal life.

He asked Bullock about her “big, round b–bs” and her “big, round a–,” and he also made inappropriate comments about her divorce and her love life.

Bullock was clearly uncomfortable and upset by Ferguson’s comments, and she later described the interview as “awful.”

Actor Shia LaBeouf was interviewed by talk show host David Letterman, and he shocked audiences by yelling and cursing at Letterman during the interview.

LaBeouf was clearly agitated and upset, and he yelled and swore at Letterman, who seemed taken aback by LaBeouf’s behavior. The incident caused a great deal of controversy, and many people felt that LaBeouf’s behavior was unprofessional and disrespectful.

Singer Kanye West was interviewed by talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, and he made a series of bizarre and incoherent comments during the interview.

West ranted and rambled about a variety of topics, and he seemed to be confused and disoriented at times. Many people felt that West was not in a good mental state during the interview, and the incident sparked concern about his well-being.

Christian Bale was interviewed by talk show host David Letterman, and he became angry and confrontational during the interview.

Bale was promoting his film “Terminator Salvation” at the time, and he became upset when Letterman asked him about an incident on the film’s set where he had allegedly yelled at a crew member. Bale yelled and swore at Letterman, and he later apologized for his behavior.

Singer Justin Bieber was interviewed by talk show host Matt Lauer, and he became defensive and evasive during the interview.

Lauer asked Bieber about a number of controversial topics, including his relationships, his behavior, and his reputation, and Bieber became increasingly defensive and evasive as the interview went on.

Many people felt that Bieber was not being honest or forthcoming during the interview, and the incident sparked criticism of Bieber’s behavior.

Kristen Stewart was interviewed by talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, and she became visibly uncomfortable and upset during the interview.

DeGeneres asked Stewart about her personal life and her relationship with actor Robert Pattinson, and Stewart became visibly upset and flustered. She stammered and struggled to answer DeGeneres’s questions, and she seemed to be on the verge of tears at times.

The incident sparked speculation and gossip about Stewart’s personal life, and many people felt that DeGeneres’s line of questioning was intrusive and inappropriate.

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