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Warning to WME: Urgent Reminders for Meghan Markle’s Survival

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Warning to WME: Urgent Reminders for Meghan Markle’s Survival

The notorious and hypocritical couple, Harry and Meghan Markle, have been making headlines once again.

It is crucial for Meghan to take a step back and see herself through the critical eyes of others if she wants to grow and learn to be a credible individual.

Without first becoming a credible person, nothing good can flourish in terms of business.

It is imperative that she refrains from engaging in censorship or becoming a social media troll like some of her followers.

Instead, it is time to have an honest conversation with her, addressing the issues at hand.

The first thing that needs to be addressed is Meghan’s tendency to lie.

She must be told to stop fabricating stories and staging events for attention.

Additionally, she should refrain from buying awards and attempting to overshadow the actual event itself, as she did with the absurd New York car chase incident.

It is important to emphasize that she needs to stop being cruel and trying to cancel or destroy anyone who disagrees with her.

Instead, she should take a step back and lie low for a considerable period of time.

During this period of lying low, Meghan should consider writing letters of humble apology to her father and King Charles.

These letters should not contain any excuses or requests for understanding, meetings, or opportunities to explain herself.

They should simply acknowledge her wrongdoings, demonstrating her awareness and acceptance of her mistakes, as well as her genuine remorse and shame.

It is crucial that these letters remain private, without any expectation of a response or forgiveness from her father or King Charles.

It is the least she can do.

Furthermore, Meghan should extend her apologies to the Prince and Princess of Wales for attempting to humiliate Princess Catherine by spreading rumors of infidelity.

The use of derogatory slurs is utterly appalling, especially when they are of a s**ual nature.

People and brands do not appreciate individuals who engage in such behavior.

It is important to remind Meghan repeatedly that being vile and spreading hate is not only unsavory but also detrimental to her reputation and public image.

She should write this letter of apology as soon as possible and publicly acknowledge that the rumor was false, expressing deep regret for her actions.

In addition to apologies, Meghan should consider engaging in therapy that addresses her cruelty and lack of empathy towards others.

While it may not completely change her character, it can help her understand the negative impact her actions have on both herself and others.

This period of reflection may lead her to realize the shame and humiliation she has inflicted upon others, allowing her to grow as a person.

Another piece of advice for WME infiltrators is to remind Meghan that the successful individuals she admires know how to balance their public personas with leading a normal life in private.

They understand the difference and strive to be friendly, industrious, and prioritize their families.

Living a normal life, doing everyday tasks like cleaning, taking children to nursery, and grocery shopping, can help Meghan stay grounded and connect with people who lead similar lives.

It is essential for Meghan to stop being nasty about others, as no decent person or brand wants to be associated with such behavior.

Perhaps sitting down with Meghan and watching episodes of South Park together could provide some valuable lessons.

Additionally, she should read the articles written by Jeremy Clarkson that she despises.

These articles offer insightful perspectives on why she is perceived negatively and why her actions often backfire.

By carefully considering these points, Meghan, with the guidance of WME, could potentially undo some of the damage she has caused and begin to rehabilitate her reputation.

It is important for Harry and Meghan to shed their royal titles and be seen as a Californian couple trying to find their place in the world without stepping on others.

They should aim to be friendly, hardworking, and focus on their family.

This could include occasionally sharing photographs of their children, engaging in low-level public service, and refraining from releasing press releases that come across as desperate.

When given speaking engagements, they should hire a speechwriter and practice their speeches to ensure they connect with their audience and offer original insights.

Reconciliation with their families, particularly Thomas Markle, is crucial.

While some may criticize the Royal Family, many sympathize with Thomas as a father who gave his all for Meghan.

It is important for Harry and Meghan to appeal to the middle class and distance themselves from luxury brands, making an effort to connect with their fans on a relatable level.

Lastly, Meghan should consider making changes to her appearance, starting with her hair.

In her previous role on Suits, her hair was styled differently, often shorter and layered, with reddish highlights.

Currently, her hair appears disheveled and heavy, not complementing her features.

A hair and makeup makeover could be a fresh start, grabbing attention and presenting a new image.

Taking inspiration from celebrities like Hailey Berry, who have successfully transformed their look, could be beneficial.

While the road ahead may be challenging, WME has the opportunity to guide Meghan through this rebranding process.

Ari Emanuel, known for his intelligence and business acumen, has the potential to become a modern-day Colonel Tom Parker and Anne Sullivan combined.

It is essential to hear your thoughts on the advice given to WME regarding Meghan.

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