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Tom Cruise wins $10m damages in Gay Lawsuit

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Tom Cruise wins $10m damages in Gay Lawsuit

Tom Cruise has been granted a defamation award of $10 million against a porn actor who reportedly told a French magazine that the two men had a gay relationship, which ended Cruise’s 10-year marriage to Nicole Kidman.

Cruise filed the $100 million lawsuit in May 2001 after Chad Slater, who has starred in homosexual porn films under the name Kyle Bradford, claimed he had an affair with Cruise in Actustar magazine.

The Los Angeles judge made his decision, according to Ricardo Cestero, Mr Cruise’s lawyer, after Chad Slater conceded that his account was false and stated that he would not aggressively defend himself against the lawsuit.

According to Reuters, a Los Angeles judge ruled against Chad in December, however Cruise’s legal team just publicized the judgment Tuesday. Even Cruise, who is now filming “The Last Samurai” in New Zealand, had not been informed of his triumph, according to his lawyer, Bert Fields.

It’s the second time the “Minority Report” star has won a court battle to clear his name of LGBT allegations.

“He is very concerned and very protective about his personal reputation,” Cestero explains.

“To the extent that people are writing stories that defame him, he is going to go after them.”

“We requested $10 million recognizing that we don’t know if this guy will satisfy any judgment, but it’s important for Tom to be able to protect his reputation,” Cestero told the Associated Press. Any money Cruise receives as a result of the ruling will go to charity. Cestero could not be reached for comment.

“He is very, very pleased with getting this judgment and is happy to have another ruling that these stories are false and defamatory,” he added.

Meanwhile, Cruise had first been successful in suing Slater for the bogus claims, but when Slater defaulted on the suit last year, Cruise obtained this latest judgment.

In the summer of 2001, Cruise filed a second $100 million lawsuit against magazine editor Michael Davis, alleging that he possessed videotapes showing Cruise indulging in homosexual intercourse and was selling them to media outlets. After Davis retracted his allegation and publicly stated that Cruise was not gay, Cruise dropped the suit.) Despite the fact that Slater released a statement claiming he never said the words attributed to him and Actustar published a correction, Cruise continued to pursue the case.

Slater filed documents defaulting on the claim in August, basically surrendering and making it probable that if a judgment was entered against him, he would have to file for bankruptcy. He told E! that he didn’t want to subject himself or his family to the humiliation of a trial at the moment. ”I never met him and never really wanted to,” he said of Cruise. ”I just want put an end to it.” Slater has yet to respond to the decision.

Cruise has stated that he will give the judgment fee to charity, although it is unclear if he will insist that Slater pay any portion of it.

Fields said, he he hoped the case ”deters people from saying false things about Tom. Tom feels strongly that he doesn’t want his kids or his grandkids, for that matter, to read about the fact that he did things he never did so whenever anybody says false things about Tom he’s going to go after them. He has the will and the means to do it..”

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