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Title: Meghan Markle Accused of Jewelry Theft and Misconduct

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Title: Meghan Markle Accused of Jewelry Theft and Misconduct

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Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is facing serious allegations of theft and misconduct.

It is claimed that since her association with Prince Harry, she has been involved in the disappearance of valuable jewelry and other items.

The story goes that Meghan was entrusted with some jewelry by the Queen, but it mysteriously went missing.

One pair of earrings, loaned to her by the Queen, was never returned, with Meghan claiming that she had lost them.

This incident, coupled with her history of sticky fingers, including stealing wardrobes during her acting career, raises suspicions about her involvement in the theft from the monarch.

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As evidence of her questionable behavior, it is reported that Meghan lost a bracelet that was loaned to her for Prince Charles’s 70th birthday party.

Witnesses claim that she behaved poorly at the event, sticking out her tongue and repeatedly expressing her boredom and desire to leave.

A photograph from Australia also reveals an unusual walking style, as if she is trying to conceal something from the paparazzi.

These incidents led to her being asked to leave the event and return the bracelet.

However, Meghan insisted that it was a gift and refused to give it back.

This alleged act of theft resulted in her being denied further loaned jewelry.

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Buckingham Palace’s decision to ban Meghan from borrowing jewelry from the Royal Collection in 2019 further supports the notion that something untoward occurred.

Speculation suggests that she may have borrowed an item previously worn by Princess Diana, possibly from Catherine, and failed to return it because it belonged to Harry.

Additionally, there are rumors of another diamond bracelet that she wore at a wedding but has not been seen since.

This incident reportedly caused anger among the royal family, with Catherine vowing to take legal action to hold Meghan accountable for her actions.

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Many people are turning a blind eye to Meghan’s alleged illegal activities, but it is time for that to change.

If she has committed a crime, she should face the consequences.

Unfortunately, there is a concern that the stolen jewels may have already been sold or hidden away, making it difficult to recover them.

It is suspected that Meghan may have fenced the items and deposited the proceeds into an offshore account.

Her actions have led to widespread condemnation, with many calling for her to be charged and held accountable for her alleged crimes.

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There are reports of misplaced earrings as well, which could explain why Meghan did not wear any Crown Collection jewels during her overseas tours.

Another rumor suggests that the earrings she received as a wedding gift from a Saudi prince were not properly registered, as they are considered a state gift.

It is speculated that Meghan had the earrings dismantled, using the diamonds to create a pinky ring.

She even accused a jewelry designer of stealing shoes from a rape man’s ad campaign, further adding to the controversy surrounding her.

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Recent comments made by Meghan’s mother, Doria, have raised suspicions about the extent of Meghan’s alleged theft during her time in Britain.

Doria expressed disappointment in her daughter declining an invitation to the king’s coronation, stating, “Just think of all the jewels we could have stashed away.”

This remark implies that Meghan may have been pilfering royal jewelry to a much greater extent than previously known, and it is believed that Doria may be temporarily holding the majority of these stolen items.

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Tom Bauer’s book also sheds light on the matter, suggesting that Meghan may have stolen items from the Australian governor’s home and concealed them within her shoes and dress.

This raises concerns about her intentions when she requested the governor’s home for herself and her Canadian friends, potentially allowing them to freely take whatever they desired.

Such actions could be classified as grand larceny, indicating a pattern of behavior that mirrors the alleged actions of Meghan’s mother, Doria.

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The accusations against Meghan Markle are serious and paint a disturbing picture of her alleged criminal activities.

Many believe that she should be held accountable for her actions, facing the consequences of her supposed theft and misconduct.

The extent of the stolen jewelry remains uncertain, but the public’s demand for justice is clear.

As investigations continue, it is crucial to remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

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