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The shocking truth about the Kardashians: Cleaner leaks secrets

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The shocking truth about the Kardashians: Cleaner leaks secrets

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to keep up with the Kardashians, wonder no more.

The family’s former housekeepers have come forward with a glimpse into the daily life of one of America’s most famous families.

One housekeeper revealed that Kim Kardashian’s bedroom and bathroom were “beyond filthy at all times.”

They went on to say, “She has clothes everywhere. Kim refuses to hang up anything herself!”

The cleaner also described how, “no matter how often it was cleaned, the minute Kim entered, everything was trashed, like a tornado had just gone through it.”

In addition to the mess, the housekeeper also revealed that Kim insisted on crisp, clean white silk sheets, which needed to be changed daily.

However, this proved to be a challenge as the housekeeper said, “Every single morning her white sheets would be covered in makeup and her sheets would be brown – she never washed her face!”

Another housekeeper described Kourtney Kardashian as a “control and neat freak,” and the worst Kardashian to work for.

Kourtney would micromanage her nannies and even told staff that she didn’t want them wearing perfume.

Khloe, on the other hand, was described as the “big kid of the house” who, despite being 30, was often seen cuddling up to her beloved “Blankie.”

Scott Disick, Kourtney’s partner, was also not immune to criticism from the housekeepers. They described him as “extremely dirty,” with one saying, “There were times when he didn’t even shower for days at a time.”

The housekeeper also revealed that Scott’s hard-partying lifestyle resulted in a few incidents.

Once, a suspicious-looking bottle of white powder turned up, along with empty booze bottles, and was promptly thrown out by the cleaner.

The cleaner said, “I’m not sure what it was exactly, but I figured it was something that didn’t need to be in the house!”

Momager Kris Jenner’s legendary boozing also led to a few funny moments, according to one of the housekeepers.

They said, “When she has a few too many drinks in her, she’s been known to bump into walls.”

In addition to these personal habits, the housekeepers also revealed that the Kardashians have professionals do their makeup every day, even when they don’t have a shoot or event.

This is likely one of the reasons why the Kardashians always look polished.

However, the housekeepers also had a major gripe with the girls’ false eyelashes.

One said, “They’re on coffee tables, in the bathroom… even on the kitchen counter,” and another complained, “Kim had eyelashes everywhere. Makeup splattered all over the dressers and bathroom counters…”

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