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The dark side of being a celebrity assistant: Insane demands revealed

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The dark side of being a celebrity assistant: Insane demands revealed

Being an assistant to a high-profile executive or celebrity may seem like a dream job, but it can often be a thankless and demanding role.

In order to gain insight into the challenges that these assistants face, Fortune magazine reached out to elite assistants from across the country to share their most outrageous stories.

The first story comes from an assistant who worked for an executive producer of a major national news show.

The producer had a notoriously bizarre habit of ordering the assistant to go to his house and have conversations with each of his cats.

He would even pre-script the chats, listing questions and specific statements he wanted his assistant to pose to the cats.

The assistant was then expected to report back in full detail, relaying how each cat “responded.”

Hector Rosario, a member of the New York Celebrity Assistants professional association, shared a story about the CEO of an investment bank that he worked for.

Rosario was in charge of planning everything for her and “everything” included making sure her housekeepers were available at any given moment to put lotion all over her body directly after she stepped out of the shower.

Another assistant working in Hollywood complained about unexpected tasks such as holding ice packs on their bosses’ newly augmented breasts.

However, for one assistant to a well-known Hollywood manager, cocaine was the cause of the problem.

She forwarded one of the many nonsensical e-mails she received from her boss over one weekend, when he appeared to be under the influence, to Lilit Marcus, a co-founder of

This particular note ordered the assistant to “get socks” multiple times, to “move my 1:00 lunch to 1:03,” and to “pre-order a yarmulke for Hanukkah” all in one e-mail.

The e-mail went on to ask “My alarm clock rings funny — find one that’s more soothing”, “Are bagels different with LA water? They seem different. Find out!” and “Book a lunch with Pamela. Then cancel it two hours before. (hate her!)”

Leni Miller, the founder of executive assistant search firm EASearch, shared a story about the president of a major venture capital firm.

The president ordered his assistant to bring a sheep to his partner’s birthday party.

The assistant managed to get her hands on a sheep and brought it to the hotel where the party was being held, but the doorman wouldn’t let her take it onto the elevator due to health concerns.

The sheep ended up being returned to the farm, with the assistant being the one to make the arrangements.

Another assistant shared a story about booking travel for the CEO of a private company.

The CEO was on his way to Australia to spend a vacation with his girlfriend and the assistant arranged the trip.

However, while he was in Australia, the CEO suffered a heart attack and died. To make matters worse, the CEO was legally married to someone else.

To spare the family more heartache, the assistant had to arrange for the CEO’s body to be flown back to the US and plan a funeral, all while keeping the CEO’s infidelity a secret.

One assistant shared a story about working for a fashion designer who was known for being very demanding.

The designer would often call the assistant at all hours of the night with urgent requests.

One night, the designer called the assistant at 3 am and demanded that she come over to his house to bring him a specific type of chocolate that he couldn’t find in the stores.

The assistant, who lived an hour away, had to get dressed and drive to the designer’s house to bring him the chocolate.

These stories demonstrate just how demanding and unpredictable the job of an assistant can be.

Assistants are often expected to go above and beyond the call of duty, whether it be talking to cats, procuring sheep, or even dealing with the aftermath of a CEO’s infidelity and death.

As one assistant put it, “Being an assistant can make you feel like a punching bag.”

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