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Taylor Swift Declines Invitation to Appear on Meghan Markle’s Podcast

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Taylor Swift Declines Invitation to Appear on Meghan Markle’s Podcast

Reports have emerged that Taylor Swift turned down an invitation to appear on Meghan Markle’s podcast, Archetypes, despite receiving a personal letter from the Duchess of Sussex.

The Wall Street Journal revealed that the 33-year-old singer declined the offer through her representatives. attempted to obtain comment from Swift’s representative but received no response.

The article then delved into the careers of Meghan and Prince Harry since they moved to the United States.

It was suggested that Archewell workers had frequently complained about the company’s lack of direction.

According to a source close to the couple, they sometimes appeared surprised by the amount of work required to complete entertainment projects.

The article noted that most potential initiatives followed a similar path: a big idea followed by subpar execution.

The couple’s partnership with Spotify was also mentioned, with Harry reportedly struggling to come up with ideas.

Just a few days ago, Spotify and Archewell Audio announced that they would be parting ways amicably.

Archetypes, which aired for 12 episodes beginning in August 2022, was not renewed by Spotify.

The deal was projected to be worth £18 million by the end of 2020.

During the show’s run, Meghan had conversations with well-known celebrities such as Mariah Carey and Serena Williams.

The podcast won the most prestigious prize at the People’s Choice Awards in Los Angeles.

A spokesperson for Archewell stated that Meghan is continuing to develop more content for the Archetypes audience on another platform.

However, according to sources from the Daily Express in the United States, rumors circulated that Meghan did not attend the celebrity one-on-ones following the termination of the contract between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Spotify.

Andy Cohen, a member of the Bravo executive team and a guest on the show, dismissed these rumors, saying, “Of course I spoke with Meghan, and she definitely interviewed me.

That is the most ridiculous rumor.

Considering that her podcast consists of talks with other individuals, how could she not have?

Without a doubt, she had.”

Meghan’s talent management at Tel Aviv Emi released a statement saying that the Archetypes team remained proud of the podcast they created at Spotify.

Meghan is currently working hard to create additional content for the Archetypes audience on a different platform.

In conclusion, it appears that Taylor Swift has declined an invitation to appear on Meghan Markle’s podcast, Archetypes.

The article also shed light on the challenges faced by Meghan and Prince Harry in their entertainment projects and their partnership with Spotify.

Despite the termination of their contract with the streaming giant, Meghan is still actively creating content for the Archetypes audience on another platform.

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