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Sussex Stunned as US Amendment Constitution Forbids Lily from Princess Title

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Sussex Stunned as US Amendment Constitution Forbids Lily from Princess Title

In a shocking turn of events, Sussex finds itself dumbfounded as an amendment to the US Constitution forbids Lily, the daughter of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, from holding the princess title.

The Harkles, as they are fondly known, have made the controversial decision to bestow the prince and princess titles upon their own children.

They claim to have invited the King and Prince of Wales, rather than Meghan’s father and family, along with Tyler Perry, to a christening at their home.

However, their invitation was declined.

Adding to the intrigue, Ngozi Fulani has come forward, asserting that she possesses a recording device containing evidence of the incident, and is demanding a public apology from the British Royal Family (BRF).

Many question whether this decision will subject their children to bullying, ridicule, and humiliation.

It is important to note that both of their children are American citizens, and their parents have already ensured that they will never have a genuine place or relationship within the working members of the British monarchy.

The question arises: who is truly impressed by their children’s titles?

While it is unfair to generalize, it is safe to say that most Americans couldn’t care less.

These titles are not commonly used, unless, of course, the Harkles demand it of their staff or those in their employ.

This move appears to be a desperate plea for attention.

The United States Constitution strictly prohibits the granting of titles of nobility.

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 clearly states that “no title of nobility shall be granted by the United States, and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

This constitutional provision reflects both the American aversion to aristocracy and the republican nature of the government established by the Constitution.

It complements other constitutional provisions, such as the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, which prohibit discriminatory distinctions between different classes of American citizens.

Prohibitions on titles of nobility can also be traced back to the Articles of Confederation and various state constitutions from the revolutionary era, all of which sought to eliminate hereditary privilege.

If Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s children are being raised as US citizens, they are not entitled to use these titles to claim any privileges.

And it doesn’t stop there; neither are the Harkles themselves.

If they wish to be referred to as the Duke and Duchess, they will have to seek a country that recognizes these titles because insisting on their usage within the United States violates the constitutional rights of its citizens.

The same applies to Prince Harry, commonly known as Ginger.

If he wishes to maintain his royal status, he should consider returning to the UK.

Additionally, it is important to note that no one will be covering the costs of their security anymore.

By continuing to push boundaries and demand titles, they are only increasing the risks and making themselves more vulnerable.

It seems that the Sussexes have fully embraced a new path, as they have effectively sold their souls to the devil.

Their first child, who is part of the royal family, has been given a name deliberately distant from anything associated with royalty.

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