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See Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar-Losing Faces: PHOTOS

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See Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar-Losing Faces: PHOTOS

Leonardo DiCaprio’s beard-growing and bear-fighting performance in The Revenant is likely to win him his first Academy Award this weekend. He’ll ascend those steps, deliver a beautifully victorious speech, clutch the tiny gold figure, and be whisked away to a tropical paradise filled with models half his age. His entire career has been building to this point, as the awards-season narrative dictates. It is his fate.

Looking back, DiCaprio’s path to Oscar gold was reminiscent of Hugh Glass’ horrific trip in The Revenant; he may not have eaten raw bison liver before last year, but DiCaprio had lost four times at the Academy Awards over the span of two decades.

So far, he’s been nominated for multiple Oscars: three for best actor, one for best supporting actor, and one for best picture as producer – Winning none.

We’ll have to wait till the ceremony on Sunday night (February 28) to see what happens.

But, in the meanwhile, enjoy some lighthearted GIFs of Leo’s “I just lost” look at the precise moment the presenter stated that, no, Leo, you did not win the Academy Award this year. Buddy, maybe next time.

Nomination 1: What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1994), Best Supporting Actor

DiCaprio played Arnie Grape, the developmentally handicapped younger brother of the titular Gilbert.

(Picture: Youtube)

Despite the Academy’s long history of honoring actors who can convincingly portray the handicapped (think Daniel Day-Lewis’ best actor win for playing cerebral palsy sufferer Christy Brown in My Left Foot and Robert DeNiro’s nomination for Awakenings), DiCaprio lost out to veteran Lee Jones for his role as a cop in The Fugitive.

Nomination 2: The Aviator (2005)

After a decade without an Oscar nomination, during which time Leo grew into one of the world’s biggest cinematic stars, the 30-year-old DiCaprio returned to the Oscar race in Martin Scorsese’s Howard Hughes biography.

(Picture: Youtube)

Although reliving Hughes’ epic life took a toll on DiCaprio, the Academy opted for a disability representation this year, honoring Jamie Foxx for his portrayal of blind music legend Ray Charles.

Nomination 3: Nominated for Blood Diamond (2007)

Just two years after losing out for The Aviator, DiCaprio received another nomination. While the Edward Zwick picture received mixed reviews, DiCaprio’s performance demonstrated to the Academy his willingness to fully commit to his part as a South African mercenary, accent and all.

(Picture: Youtube)

It wasn’t enough for him to sit down and clap. Leo had to give Forest Whitaker, the winner, an extended standing ovation.

Nomination 4: The Wolf Of Wall Street two times (Best Actor and Best Picture)

The fourth time around, twenty years after his initial nomination, could have been the charm. Leo took on the showy character of broker extraordinaire Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street, directed by Martin Scorsese.

(Picture: Youtube)

When Matthew McConaughey won best actor for his part in Dallas Buyers’ Club and director Steve McQueen’s 12 Years A Slave won best picture, DiCaprio was not all right.

Nomination 5: The Revenant 2016.

This is the upcoming one.


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