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Schwarzenegger harassed female crew several times

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Schwarzenegger harassed female crew several times

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been accused of harassing and groping women on the set of the 1991 film “Terminator 2: Judgment Day.”

The allegations, which were made by three women, surfaced in 2003, while Schwarzenegger was running for governor of California.

One of the women, who was a member of the film crew, said that Schwarzenegger harassed her on multiple occasions.

She said that he groped her and tried to take her robe off in an elevator at the hotel where the cast and crew were staying.

The woman said that she reported the incidents to her boss, who advised her to stay away from Schwarzenegger.

The woman said that she was afraid to come forward with her allegations because Schwarzenegger was the highest-paid actor in the world at the time, and she was just a “peon.”

She also feared retribution if she spoke out.

She said that she told her husband about the incidents in 1992 or 1993.

Another woman, who was also a crew member on the film, said that Schwarzenegger called her over and pulled her onto his lap, whispering in her ear:

“Have you ever had a man slide his tongue in your [ans]?”

She said that she was “shocked” by the incident and did not know how to react.

The woman said that she did not report the incident because she was a low-level crew member and did not want to rock the boat.

She said that the attitude on the set was that it was “flattering” to receive attention from Schwarzenegger.

A third woman, who was a legal guardian for one of the film’s young actors, said that Schwarzenegger yanked her hair from behind, causing her head to snap back.

She said that although she was not injured, she was “shocked” by the incident. She also witnessed Schwarzenegger pushing his body against a female crew member.

Nancy Tafoya, who was also on the set of “Terminator 2,” said that she saw Schwarzenegger push his pelvis into a female crew member.

Tafoya said that the incident lasted about 10 seconds and that the woman laughed nervously.

Schwarzenegger’s spokesman, Sean Walsh, said that the campaign was talking to senior crew members on the “Terminator 2” set to investigate the allegations.

He said that the production crew members who were in a supervisory role at the time were not aware of the alleged improprieties.

The allegations against Schwarzenegger were made public just days before the recall election for California governor.

Schwarzenegger was elected governor and served two terms in office.

The allegations were not the first to be made against Schwarzenegger. In 2001, he was accused of groping several women while he was filming the movie “The Sixth Day.” Schwarzenegger denied the allegations, but he apologized for his behavior.

In a 2003 interview with CNN’s Larry King, Schwarzenegger addressed the allegations against him.

He said that he had “behaved badly” in the past and apologized for his behavior. He also said that he did not remember the incidents described by the women on the “Terminator 2” set.

Schwarzenegger’s behavior on movie sets was not the only issue that arose during the recall election.

He was also accused of sexual misconduct during his time as a bodybuilder in the 1970s.

Schwarzenegger’s opponents in the recall election seized on the allegations against him, calling into question his fitness to serve as governor.

However, Schwarzenegger won the election by a wide margin and went on to serve as governor for two terms.

During his time in office, he championed environmental causes and worked to reform the state’s workers’ compensation system.

In a statement to The Los Angeles Times in 2018, Schwarzenegger apologized for his behavior on movie sets. “Looking back, I stepped over the line several times, and I was the first one to say sorry,” he said.

“I feel bad about it, and I apologize.”

The allegations against Schwarzenegger and other powerful men in Hollywood have led to changes in the industry, including the establishment of a hotline for reporting harassment and the creation of programs to prevent and respond to harassment and assault.

However, many women in Hollywood and other industries say that much more needs to be done to address the culture of harassment and abuse.

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