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Scarlett Johansson Reflects on Past Career Controversies: I Was ‘Off Mark’

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Scarlett Johansson Reflects on Past Career Controversies: I Was ‘Off Mark’

Scarlett Johansson is reflecting on her lengthy history of controversial incidents, acknowledging her blunders and admitting that facing the backlash has been humiliating.

The 36-year-old actress quipped in a recent interview with UK magazine The Gentlewoman that she had “made a career out of” her blunders.

Johansson has had time to consider her previous responses and now feels differently than she did at the time. She stated, “I’m going to have opinions about things because that’s just who I am. I mean, everyone has a hard time admitting when they’re wrong about stuff, and for all of that to come out publicly, it can be embarrassing. To have the experience of, Wow, I was really off mark there, or I wasn’t looking at the big picture, or I was inconsiderate. I’m also a person.”

In the interview, Johansson doesn’t address any specific event, instead reflecting on the criticism she’s gotten as a whole and how she’s attempted to improve in response. She’s been working on “recognizing when it’s not your turn to speak. “I can be reactive,” the 36-year-old said. “I can be impatient. That doesn’t mix that great with self-awareness.”

Despite the fact that she appears to have come around to the side that first held her accountable, Johansson maintains that performers should not be held to a standard of perfection. “I don’t think actors have obligations to have a public role in society,” she said. “Some people want to, but the idea that you’re obligated to because you’re in the public eye is unfair. You didn’t choose to be a politician, you’re an actor. Your job is to reflect our experience to ourselves; your job is to be a mirror for an audience, to be able to have an empathetic experience through art. That is what your job is.”

“Of course, whatever you say, whether it’s politically correct or not, any statement you make, or how you live your life, people are obviously going to take issue with it,” she told the magazine. “We judge each other all the time. We judge ourselves constantly. I think people equate that connectivity to being self-aware. To me, it’s different from being self-aware. And reacting to everything that’s coming at them through this f–king thing—[holds up her iPhone]”

Johansson replied, “Your sense of reality is completely skewed. It’s not normal to be that exposed. You can be exposed whenever you’re in the public eye, but to then be on the receiving end, like a raw nerve, of all this stuff back? It’s too much” She added, “It’s incredible how if you talk to people — not type to them — that’s how you grow. Listening to people, learning their experience, sharing that, seeing it with your eyeballs.”

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