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Scarlett Johansson Calls Out the Stigma Surrounding Female Sexuality: ‘Women shouldn’t be afraid to talk about sex’

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Scarlett Johansson Calls Out the Stigma Surrounding Female Sexuality: ‘Women shouldn’t be afraid to talk about sex’

Scarlett Johansson isn’t afraid to speak her mind, which we like. The sexy siren is daring and attractive in every manner, and her confidence with her body, mind, and sexuality is probably what makes her that way.

The Cosmopolitan cover girl is recognized for speaking up on subjects that she cares about. She tackles several of these issues in the July edition. People who have a problem with women discussing sex are first target.

“When women talk about enjoying sex, it’s almost forbidden,” she told the magazine. “Just having a healthy sexual attitude, you are labeled as loose, wild, a slut. You have no morals.”

“You’re seen as some kind of sexual deviant or someone who can’t be in a monogamous relationship,” she continued. “The minute you talk about enjoying yourself, being curious, that is still taboo.”

Disgusted by the way women are labeled as “promiscuous” for speaking their views about sex or discussing intimate topics, the actress is on a mission to alter people’s perceptions and set an example for her daughter by addressing subjects that are important to her.

Johansson is also a vocal advocate of Planned Parenthood and the organization’s advocacy for reproductive health care—another highly stigmatized topic.

“There’s no reason we shouldn’t be talking about our reproductive rights,” she told the magazine. “They’re something we have to fight for and continue to protect. There’s nothing icky about talking about that stuff. Of course, it’s private and it’s your body, but we should take the stigma away.”

“Whenever you speak publicly, it’s always a risk, right?” she says of her activism. “Maybe you’ll lose some followers. But if you have something to say, it can be really impactful.”

“I hope my daughter finds her voice and feels like she can engage anyone in any number of topics,” she continues. “I grew up in an environment that encouraged activism, so I never thought about the effect that it would have on my career at any stage.”

“But I know it’s a luxury, and not everybody has that luxury,” she concludes.

In recent years, Johansson hasn’t shied away from being political, particularly when it comes to women’s rights. The actress spoke at the Women’s March on Washington in January 2017 and made a strong statement concerning women’s healthcare. “I did not vote for you, President Trump,” she told the audience (via People). “That said, I respect that you are our president-elect and I want to be able to support you. But first I ask that you support me, support my sister, support my mother.”

As we all know, when males talk about sex, it’s natural and expected; yet, when women bring up the subject, they’re frowned upon and looked down upon, especially if they admit to loving sex.

She worries how First Daughter Ivanka Trump handles her personal take on issues, especially when associated with President Donald Trump’s White House.

“I’m not asking her to come out and talk about something she doesn’t believe in…

“I know it’s complicated. It’s her father. Can you imagine? Maybe she’s afraid she’ll be abandoned,” she said. “It’s hard to put yourself in somebody’s position like that. But how do you move the needle in one direction or the other? Hopefully, she’ll make a courageous choice and stand up for what she believes in—whatever that might happen to be.”

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