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Rose McGowan reveals how she escaped cult in fear of rape as a child

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Rose McGowan reveals how she escaped cult in fear of rape as a child

As one of Harvey Weinstein’s accusers and a leading player in the MeToo movement, Rose McGowan made headlines. Long before  this, the Hollywood star had a difficult upbringing.

McGowan’s first nine years were far from typical. They were spent in the Children of God cult, which celebrated the joys of free love while preparing for Jesus’ return.

Despite the fact that it was a horrific experience – she says she escaped with her family after the cult began pushing child-adult sexual relations – the actress, 38, who rose to stardom on TV’s Charmed and currently plays in Conan the Barbarian 3D, remembers the setting as “really idyllic” at first.

“The commune I grew up in, a thing called Children of God… I was definitely a thorn in their side,” actor and activist Rose McGowan recalls of the religious cult in which she spent her infancy in Italy.

“We left because they started advocating child-adult sex and that was too far for my father, so we escaped,” she says in the latest edition of The Irish Times’ Back to Yours podcast with Róisn Ingle.

Built in 1968 by preacher David Brandt Berg as Teens for Christ, the group initially comprised of runaway hippies and was founded on the notions of redemption, spiritual “revolution and happiness,” and a complete disdain of the outside world.

Terry and Daniel, Rose’s American parents, were ‘passionate about Jesus’ and lived on a big commune with Rose.

‘Like in most cults, you were cut off from your [outside] family,’ she tells the magazine. ‘There were no newspapers, no television. You were kept in the dark so you would obey. It was not a wealthy existence.’

Despite her belief in God, the actress did not agree with the group’s ardent doctrine or attitude toward women, recalling once setting a wall of bibles on fire.

‘I remember watching how the cult’s men were with the women, and at a very early age I decided I did not want to be like those women.

‘They were basically there to serve the men sexually.

‘The women would go to bars as lures (to pick up recruits) – they called it flirty fishing.’

The group was labeled a “cult” by the New York Attorney General’s office in 1974.

“A 14-year-old runaway who spent nine days at a COG commune testified that she was raped and because of her refusal to cooperate with the elders, was held in solitary confinement on no less than three separate occasions,” it stated.

COG members were obliged to submit all of their money and personal goods to the leaders of local households, according to the article. In 1974, the attorney general’s office in New York estimated that there were about 120 communes across the world. By 2006, the number had risen to over 1,400 across 100 countries, according to the organization.

“My dad was strong enough to realize that this hippie love had gone south,” she says of when her father became concerned that Rose would be assaulted.

She migrated to the United States with her father and siblings after fleeing the Children of God. “It was not an easy assimilation,” McGowan says, into the mainstream way of life. “My brothers and sisters, we thought everyone was boring.”

McGowan claims she ran away from home after an awkward absorption into American culture and was momentarily taken up by drag queens before returning to live with her father.

‘There are people who will read this story and think I had a strange existence,’ she says. ‘I think they’ve had a strange existence.

She is, however, glad she and her family left the tumultuous group when they did.

‘There’s a trail of some very damaged children that were in this group,’ she says. ‘As strong as I’ve always been, I’m sure I could have been broken. I know I got out by the skin of my teeth.’

COG became known for a number of sexual behaviors, including “flirty fishing,” which drew the attention of both the FBI and Interpol. COG had been accused of either turning a blind eye or actively encouraging incest, child abuse, and rape, according to the FBI, which classified the organization as a cult.

She returned to the little village in Italy with her then-boyfriend, musician Marilyn Manson, many years later. She acknowledges, “We created quite a stir.”

McGowan laughs off some of the hazards and hardships she experienced as she reflects on her early experiences. “I came out of the womb waving red lipstick,” she says, in contrast to the cult’s dressed-down hippy style.

Joaquin Phoenix, his late brother River, and their family are among the renowned children who spent part of their early childhoods inside the Children of God.

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