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Queen Elizabeth II’s Private Diaries and Letters entrusted to Former Footman for Archiving

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Queen Elizabeth II’s Private Diaries and Letters entrusted to Former Footman for Archiving

One of Queen Elizabeth II’s most trusted aides, Paul Wibrew, has been given the significant responsibility of organizing the late Queen’s private diaries and letters.

Known as Tall Paul due to his towering height of 6’4, Wibrew is part of a team that will determine which documents will be archived and which will remain confidential.

Referred to as the Keeper of the Queen’s Secrets by the Mail on Sunday, Wibrew has been handpicked by the King to carry out this task.

At this early stage, it is too soon to determine which specific documents from the royal archives will eventually be made available to the public.

Among these archives is the Queen’s personal handwritten diary, which could provide a unique insight into her thoughts and perspectives on political and family matters throughout her lengthy reign.

Insiders have revealed that Tall Paul may also gain access to documents related to Meghan Markle’s alleged criminal past, including blackmail letters following her departure from the royal family.

However, whether these documents will ever be disclosed remains uncertain, as it is now Paul’s duty to safeguard them.

The late Queen was not only a true feminist but also an icon in her own right.

She possessed an astute understanding of Meghan’s character, even displaying her disapproval at the wedding.

Despite maintaining a poker face for decades, the Queen foresaw that Meghan would not endure and desired a meticulously detailed public record.

Furthermore, the Queen ensured that Meghan was provided with unprecedented opportunities, proving that any alleged discrimination was baseless.

Certain personal documents belonging to the Queen, such as her handwritten diary, may potentially be released to the national archives in the near future.

However, any documents deemed too sensitive or personal will remain confidential, subject to the King’s discretion.

It is intriguing to note that the King has chosen a retired footman, affectionately known as Tall Paul, to fulfill this role.

Paul Wibrew faithfully served the Queen for 44 years and was one of the few loyal staff members present during her final days at Balmoral.

In 1982, he famously apprehended Michael Fagan, who had broken into the Queen’s bedroom at Buckingham Palace.

Now in his early 60s, Mr. Wibrew has taken on the responsibility of organizing all the notes within the Queen’s desk, as well as many other priceless documents.

Wearing gloves to protect the delicate paper, he dedicates two days a week of his retirement to carefully sifting through these invaluable records.

A reliable source has disclosed that King Charles specifically chose someone he could trust implicitly for this task.

Tall Paul is the epitome of loyalty and is considered the keeper of the Queen’s secrets.

There is no one else whom the King would have entrusted with such an important role.

This appointment represents the ultimate reward for Paul’s unwavering dedication.

The contents of the archive remain shrouded in mystery, but it is highly likely that they contain extraordinary information regarding the Queen’s interactions with Princess Diana during their discussions about her separation from Prince Charles.

Additionally, the documents may shed light on conversations with Prince Harry regarding his departure from royal duties, as well as the Queen’s thoughts on the fifteen Prime Ministers she encountered throughout her reign.

The documents will be categorized into three groups.

Firstly, some will be made public, particularly those with constitutional or governmental significance.

Secondly, the King will designate certain documents as private and keep them within his own files.

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