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Oprah Winfrey Severs Ties with Meghan Markle After Discovering Deception

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Oprah Winfrey Severs Ties with Meghan Markle After Discovering Deception

Oprah Winfrey and Meghan Markle have reportedly ended their friendship following revelations that the Duchess of Sussex may not have been entirely truthful during their highly publicized interview.

Woman’s Day, in its November 8th issue, claimed that Winfrey became aware shortly after her interview with Prince Harry and Markle that the couple had not been completely honest in their accounts.

Earlier this year, Markle alleged that Kate Middleton had made her cry, and both she and Prince Harry accused the Royal Family of disregarding their complaints and mental health struggles.

Markle also revealed that she had contemplated suicide due to the relentless targeting by the British press.

However, a source now claims that Winfrey is deeply disappointed with Prince Harry and Markle, feeling that they have tarnished her reputation.

“Oprah was furious as soon as those headlines started coming out, and she discovered that they had either exaggerated or outright lied to her,” the source disclosed.

This revelation dealt a severe blow to Winfrey’s standing as one of America’s most skilled interviewers, and even eight months later, her reputation has yet to fully recover.

Furthermore, the insider revealed that former supporters of Prince Harry and Markle have begun to realize that the couple does not practice what they preach, causing them to turn against the Sussexes.

Fans of Winfrey are thrilled that she has distanced herself from the couple, as it is clear that they should not be counted among her close friends.

The recent revelation during an interview, where Winfrey stated that she only has a handful of friends, further confirms this.

The source stated, “Until that point, everyone in Oprah’s circle assumed she was extremely close with Meghan.

But it seems that has changed.”

This shift in their relationship dynamics has left many surprised and disappointed, especially considering Winfrey’s previous support for the couple.

In a surprising turn of events, thousands of people in the UK have pledged to boycott Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah Winfrey when it is broadcasted.

Winfrey herself expressed her astonishment at the numerous bombshells dropped by the couple during the viral interview.

Speaking on Nancy O’Dell’s channel on Talkshop Live, Winfrey admitted that she had sent the couple a text before the interview, believing that they would share the truth.

“I had no idea that it would have the reverberating impact it has had and continues to have.

I did a lot of preparation for that,” Winfrey shared.

She also expressed her surprise at the openness displayed by Harry and Meghan during the interview, particularly regarding Markle’s claim that conversations within the royal family revolved around the potential darkness of their son Archie’s skin.

Winfrey recounted her thoughts at the time, saying, “I’m like, what?

You’re going there?

You’re going all the way there?”

She emphasized that she always has a conversation with her interviewees beforehand to align their intentions, and in this case, their shared intention was to reveal the truth.

The interview gained its powerful impact not only due to Winfrey’s skillful questioning but also because of the couple’s willingness to be open, vulnerable, and truthful.

Winfrey humbly attributed the success of the interview to their cooperation, stating, “I don’t give myself credit for that, I give myself credit for asking the questions, but the reason the interview was what it was, was because they.”

Additionally, Winfrey emphasized the importance of releasing the interview at the right time to prevent leaks or misconstrued information.

She wanted the world to see the interview as it truly happened, without any distortions or misinterpretations.

In conclusion, Oprah Winfrey has severed ties with Meghan Markle after discovering discrepancies in the couple’s accounts.

Winfrey’s disappointment and anger stem from the damage inflicted on her own reputation as a respected interviewer.

As former supporters of Prince Harry and Markle begin to question their credibility, Winfrey’s decision to distance herself from the couple is met with approval from her fans.

The upcoming broadcast of the interview in the UK faces potential boycotts, while Winfrey reflects on the surprising impact and openness displayed during the conversation.

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