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Mila Kunis hated sleeping with Natalie Portman

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Mila Kunis hated sleeping with Natalie Portman

Actresses Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman starred as rival ballet dancers in Darren Aronofsky’s critically acclaimed 2010 film Black Swan.

Although Portman won an Oscar for Best Actress, both actresses admitted that filming their s– scene was an awkward moment.

Portman had suggested Kunis for the role of her character’s rival after Aronofsky asked her if she had anyone in mind to play the part.

After meeting with Kunis, Aronofsky cast her in the role.

However, Aronofsky did not want the two actresses to remain friends on set as they played rivals in the film.

Both actresses were required to undergo ballet training, but Aronofsky would make it at different times, and he would tell Portman that Kunis was doing well and vice versa.

Portman believes that her closeness with Kunis was what made the sex scene uncomfortable.

“It was pretty awkward. I almost feel like it would be easier to do it with someone you didn’t know,” Portman said.

“But, having said that, it was great to have a friend there who we could laugh and make jokes and get over it together.”

Kunis shared Portman’s feelings towards the scene. “We knew it was going to attract attention.”

“We were just hoping that people would walk away after seeing the movie, not just isolating in their memory that scene when we have s–.

Their friendship made it awkward for Kunis to display such strong affection for her co-star.

“I don’t think we were laughing between takes. I think we were like, ‘Let’s just get this over with.’ It’s uncomfortable doing a sex scene. It’s just bizarre,” Kunis revealed.

Kunis even stopped her father from seeing her sex scene. “My dad’s not allowed to watch these movies.

He’s certainly banned,” Kunis said in a separate interview. Her father agreed with her and did his part to reinforce the ban.

“My dad walked away in the middle of the film. I asked him to,” Kunis revealed.

Despite the awkwardness of the scene, Portman said that it was important for the film’s narrative.

“The whole reason the sex scene exists is because it shows the collapse of Nina’s character. She’s going from being a perfect, innocent young girl to the black swan,” Portman said.

In fact, the sex scene was so important that Portman had to convince Aronofsky to keep it in the film.

“I remember Darren saying, ‘The [ratings] board is going to make us cut that scene,’ and I was like, ‘No, you can’t cut that scene! That’s such an important scene in the movie,'” Portman recalled.

Portman’s dedication to keeping the scene in the film paid off as it helped to establish her character’s transformation.

“I think it’s important to see how far she’s willing to go and how much she’s willing to give up to become the swan,” Portman said.

Aronofsky has spoken about his decision to cast Kunis in the film and his desire to avoid her and Portman becoming too friendly on set.

“I told them they needed to be like sisters who are competing with each other. That tension between them was really important for the movie,” Aronofsky said.

Kunis has spoken about how grateful she was to Portman for recommending her for the role.

“It was really crazy because Mila and I were very good friends. When Darren asked me, ‘Who do you think could do this part? Who has sort of a similar height, coloring, physique?’ I was like, ‘Oh, Mila, Mila, Mila!'” Portman said Kunis also credited her friendship with Portman for making the experience of filming Black Swan more enjoyable.

“It’s always great to work with somebody that you know and you’re comfortable with, especially when you’re doing something so intimate like this movie was,” Kunis said.

Despite the challenges of filming the sex scene, both actresses have maintained a strong friendship since Black Swan.

Portman has even spoken about how much she admires Kunis as an actress.

“Mila is a force to be reckoned with. She’s so talented and has such a strong presence on screen,” Portman said.

The success of Black Swan and the critical acclaim that Portman received for her performance helped to establish her as one of Hollywood’s leading actresses.

However, she has since spoken about the challenges of maintaining a successful career in the film industry.

“It’s not like you get to the top and everything is easy. There are still challenges and difficulties,” Portman said.

Despite these challenges, Portman has continued to work on a variety of projects, both in front of and behind the camera.

She has also become an advocate for social and political causes, including environmentalism and women’s rights.

Kunis has also continued to work in Hollywood since Black Swan, starring in films such as Ted and Bad Moms.

She has also become a successful producer, working on the TV series Meridian Hills and the film Four Good Days.

Both Portman and Kunis have spoken about the importance of their friendship and how it has helped them navigate the challenges of the film industry.

“It’s really hard to find people in this industry that you can really connect with and be yourself around,” Kunis said.

Portman echoed this sentiment, adding that she values the honesty and support that she receives from Kunis.

“I feel really lucky to have her as a friend. She’s always there for me and always tells it like it is,” Portman said.

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