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Michael Douglas performed nasty s-x act in front of female worker

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Michael Douglas performed nasty s-x act in front of female worker

Michael Douglas, a well-known actor and producer, has been accused of sexual harassment by journalist and author Susan Braudy.

The incident allegedly took place in 1989, when Braudy was working for Douglas’ production company in New York.

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Braudy detailed the events leading up to the alleged harassment.

According to Braudy, Douglas’ behavior towards her started with inappropriate conversation.

She claims that he openly discussed an affair he had with his co-star Kathleen Turner, and made lewd comments about Braudy’s own s-x life.

Douglas also allegedly made so many comments about her body that she began to wear “long, loose layers of black” to cover up.

However, the situation reportedly escalated one day in Douglas’ office.

Braudy claims that she looked over at Douglas and saw that he had inserted both hands into his unzipped pants, and was rubbing his private parts.

She says that within seconds, Douglas’ voice cracked, and it appeared to her that he had an orgasm.

Shocked and humiliated, Braudy says that she rushed to the door and left the office. Douglas allegedly chased after her, thanking her and saying that she had “helped” him.

She said, “I was surprised I wasn’t falling to pieces even though I was humiliated. I realized he thought he could do anything he wanted because he was so much more powerful than I was. Michael ran barefoot after me to the elevator, zipping his fly and buckling his belt. ‘Hey, thank you, you’re good. You helped me, thank you, thank you.’”

Braudy claims that she told people about the incident at the time, including author Michael Wolff, who confirmed her story to the Hollywood Reporter.

“We have discussed the incident many, many times since, as well as Douglas’ relentless, goading, mocking and belittling s**ual behavior,” he wrote.

After the alleged harassment, Douglas is said to have asked Braudy to sign a confidentiality agreement. She was let go from his company later that year.

When approached about the allegations, Douglas issued a pre-emptive denial, calling them a “complete lie” and suggesting that Braudy was disgruntled about her career.

“Coarse language or overheard private conversations with my friends that may have troubled her are a far cry from harassment,” he said. “Suggesting so does a true disservice to those who have actually endured sexual harassment and intimidation.”

He added: “Maybe she is disgruntled her career didn’t go the way she hoped and she is holding this grudge.”

In response to Douglas’ denial, Braudy said that she believes it is part of the problem that prevents women from coming forward with their stories.

She also pointed out that it took her 30 years and the rise of the #MeToo movement to gather the courage to speak out.

Douglas’ alleged behavior towards Braudy is just the latest in a string of accusations of sexual misconduct against powerful men in the entertainment industry.

The #MeToo movement, which began in 2017, has empowered many women to speak out about their experiences with harassment and assault.

The consequences for those accused of harassment have been significant. Many men have lost their jobs, been dropped by their talent agencies, and had their careers derailed.

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