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Melissa Benoist’s ex-husband apologizes for domestic violence

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Melissa Benoist’s ex-husband apologizes for domestic violence

Actor Blake Jenner, best known for his role in the popular television series “Glee,” has issued a public apology for his role in an abusive relationship.

Although he did not mention his ex-wife, actress Melissa Benoist, by name in the statement he posted on Instagram, it is widely believed that he is referring to her.

In his statement, Jenner admitted to physically hurting his past partner, writing, “I take full responsibility and accountability for the hurt that I inflicted during my relationship with my past partner— emotionally, mentally, and yes, physically.”

He went on to describe a particularly violent episode during which he threw his phone at his partner, hitting her in the face and causing serious injuries.

Jenner revealed that, in therapy, he has been addressing the traumas of his past, as well as the pain caused by his past relationship.

He said that many of his issues were rooted in a “false sense of masculinity” and “false ideas of manhood that were instilled in me since birth.”

Jenner also alleged that there was abuse from both ends, with threats and derogatory comments being made about female co-stars, and with him being discouraged from developing relationships with them.

He wrote that he was also physically abused, saying, “I was scratched, I was slapped, I was punched in the face, which caused a trip to the hospital to treat my broken nose.”

“I, too, have had to conceal and make up lies about many visible injuries I had incurred throughout the relationship.”

The actor also said that he was physically assaulted in the shower, leaving him with a traumatic injury.

He concluded his statement by apologizing to his former partner, as well as to those who read it, and promising to never again engage in abusive behavior.

In her own statement, made in November 2019, Benoist described the abuse she suffered at the hands of her former partner, saying, “This was too far… This is an injury that is never going to fully heal. My vision is never going to be the same. Emotionally after that, I was done. I keenly felt that whatever love was, it certainly wasn’t what I was going through.”

Benoist went on to describe the impact that the abuse had on her, saying, “I changed, and I’m not proud of how I changed.”

“I became a person that I never could have imagined lurked inside of me, because I was livid at what was happening and the fact that I was allowing it to out of fear of failure.”

“I experienced firsthand that violence begets violence. I started fighting back, because rage is contagious.”

“In retrospect, I see that each red flag followed a very clear path on the way to things becoming violent,” she said.

“Because violence is so often proceeded by mental, emotional or psychological abuse, which are all very sneaky things.”

Once the alleged physical abuse began, Benoist added, she didn’t speak out “for shame, for fear of future attacks, for reluctance to actually admit any of it was happening.”

She listed details of abuse, including being “pinned down and slapped repeatedly, punched so hard I felt the wind go out of me, dragged by my hair across pavement, head-butted, pinched until my skin broke, slammed against he wall so hard the drywall broke, choked.”

“I knew how he was treating me was wrong but I thought the consequences he would suffer if I exposed his behavior outweighed suffering through it,” she said.

“I can’t describe the amount of relief and solace I felt,” Benoist said.

“She held me and said, ‘You know what you have to do now, don’t you?'”

“I had to get out,” she continued.

“And I took careful steps to leave him as quickly as our relationship had sped into my life. Leaving was not a walk in the park. It is not an event, it’s a process.”

“I felt complicated feelings of guilt for leaving someone I had protected for so long and, yes, mournful feelings of leaving something that was so familiar.”

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