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Megyn Kelly says Madonna is sick and needs help

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Megyn Kelly says Madonna is sick and needs help

Megyn Kelly, the popular host of “The Megyn Kelly Show,” expressed concern for the well-being of Madonna after her recent appearance at the Grammy Awards.

In her SiriusXM podcast, Kelly stated that Madonna is “unwell” and suffering from an “illness” and that the singer’s recent appearance was a result of this.

Kelly went on to say, “This is a sick person we saw at the Grammys the other night, and I don’t know if it says more about her, about our society, or about celebrity, but it disturbs me to the core.”

Despite having undergone Botox treatment herself, Kelly reassured her audience that she would not alter her appearance in the same manner as Madonna.

Kelly said, “I’d like to think that when I’m 64, I’m not going to give a shit what people think about my looks or my age. This tells me she’s a sick person who needs help.”

Madonna was quick to respond to the criticism she received on social networks and took to her Instagram to defend herself.

In a long post, Madonna explained, “Instead of focusing on what I said in my speech, which was about giving thanks for the fearlessness of artists like Sam Smith and Kim Petras, many people preferred to talk only about the close-up photos of me taken with a long lens camera by a press photographer that would distort anyone’s face!”

The singer went on to say, “Once again, I am caught in the glare of ageism and misogyny that permeates the world we live in.”

“A world that refuses to celebrate women over 45 and feels the need to punish them if they remain strong, hardworking, and adventurous.”

Madonna also made it clear that she has never apologized for any of her creative decisions and that she is not about to start doing so.

She stated, “I have never apologized for any of the creative decisions I’ve made or the way I look or dress, and I’m not about to start doing that.”

The appearance of Madonna at the Grammy Awards has sparked a significant amount of discussion on social networks and other media outlets.

The singer’s look, which was very different from her usual appearance, was met with a large number of severe criticisms.

Megyn Kelly was one of the many people who expressed concern for Madonna’s health and well-being after her recent appearance.

In her SiriusXM podcast, Kelly stated that she believes Madonna is “unwell” and suffering from an “illness.”

Kelly went on to say, “This is a sick person we saw at the Grammys the other night, and I don’t know if it says more about her, about our society, or about celebrity, but it disturbs me to the core.”

Despite her own experience with Botox, Kelly reassured her audience that she would not alter her appearance in the same manner as Madonna.

Kelly stated, “I’d like to think that when I’m 64, I’m not going to give a shit what people think about my looks or my age. This tells me she’s a sick person who needs help.”

Madonna was quick to defend herself against the criticism she received and took to her Instagram to respond to the attacks.


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